Feature Parity

When comparing Mosaic for Cloud to the DC version it is important to realize that Confluence DC and Cloud are very different. This means that many of the DC macros are either not required or not possible in Cloud. However, these differences also allowed us to improve the experience of using Mosaic macros.

This table refers to what can be added to a new Cloud Confluence page. To learn more about migrating macros see - What happens to macros when you migrate?

DC Macro

Available in Cloud






This is now a native feature of Confluence Cloud.

Background Color


BibTeX Referencing


Button Group


Button Hyperlink




This is now a native feature of Confluence Cloud.





Can be added as an image, icon, or custom emoji

CSS Style Sheet






Fancy Bullets






This is now a native feature of Confluence Cloud.

Horizontal Navigation


Tabs has the same functionality as this macro.

HTML Comment


HTML Image




This is now a native feature of Confluence Cloud.

LaTeX Formatting




This functionality is contained in the new Advanced Cards macro

Message Box


This is now a native feature of Confluence Cloud.

Ordered List


This is now a native feature of Confluence Cloud.



Pre Tag


Privacy Mark


Can be added as an image, icon, or custom emoji

Privacy Policy


Progress Bar


Registered Trademarks


Can be added as an image, icon, or custom emoji

Restful Table




Round Rectangle


The functionality of this macro can be found in either the Advanced Cards or Background macros.

Search Box


This is now a native feature of Confluence Cloud.

Service Marks


Can be added as an image, icon, or custom emoji





This is now a native feature of Confluence Cloud.

Table Layouts


This is now a native feature of Confluence Cloud.







Can be added as an image, icon, or custom emoji

Unordered List


This is now a native feature of Confluence Cloud.

Improved editor experience

The editor experience for Mosaic Cloud is more intuitive and easy to navigate. We’ve made it easier to get quick results, and with no need for CSS to customize the appearance of macros, everyone can get the look they want.


In Confluence DC there are 6 page templates. In Confluence Cloud we have more than 20 with new ones being added regularly.

Cloud only features

Some great features are only available in Mosaic Cloud. These include:

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