In App Help

There's nothing more frustrating then getting stuck, and not being able to get the help you need. To save you that frustration you can now get help quickly through our in-app help center.

Whenever you open any of our editors, you have access to a new chat icon. You can find it at the bottom right of your page. The first time that you use this system, we will ask you for some details. This is to help us serve you with the right information. If you leave the editor or the chat, your conversation will be stored. You can return to it by opening any of our editors and selecting the Messages tab.

Get Help

The best way to get help is by going to the Messages tab. From here, select the message that is most appropriate to your needs.

Any conversations you have will be stored in this messenger, so you can check back over what was said. There's no need to memorize the answers. All the chats you have will be accessible from all the macro editors, so you don't have to remember which one you were in when you had your conversation. 

Find Out What's New

In the News tab, you can find the most up-to-date information about our macros. Checking in here can help you to make sure you're getting the most out of our macros and creating the best content you can. 

Book a Demo

From the Home tab, you can book a demo. This is great if you're evaluating Mosaic and you want to learn more about all the things it can do. 

Speak to a Human Being

We have set up some quick answers to some common questions. So you can try these to find your answer. However, if you just want to talk to a person you can select "I'd like to talk to the team". This will start a chat with one of our friendly and knowledgeable team members. We'll do our best to help solve your problem and get you back to creating your content. Of course, if you have any feedback or suggestions, we'd love to hear those as well. 

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