Overview Tab

This tab is accessed from the Layout Manager in Theme Builder 3.0 and above.

The Overview tab shows basic information about a layout such as it's ID, name and description...

Layout ID

Each layout has a unique ID and the ID for the selected layout is shown at the top of the Overview tab. This property of a layout is not editable.

The layout ID is defined when creating a new layout, or importing a backup of an existing layout and is used by several Theme Builder macros (see below) and also the Printable Layout option on the Options Tab.

The following macros use the Layout ID:

The layout ID is also shown in the title bar just above the tabs.

Layout Name

This property allows you to specify a more readable "human friendly" title for the layout. This is used for display purposes, for example when selecting a layout using the Layout Chooser.

Layout Description

This property allows you to add an arbitrary plain-text description for the layout.

This is useful if you need to specify usage guidelines for your layout that Space Administrators will be able to see when using the Layout Chooser.


You can't change the ID of a layout once it has been defined. However, you can clone a layout (using the Available Layouts toolbar) and define a new ID in that process.

You can then use the Manage Spaces Tab in Theme Administration to filter a list of all spaces to just those using a specific layout and then batch convert them to using the new layout. After that's completed you can then delete the old layout.

Read Layout Hierarchy to find out (smile)

See Also