Each link destination abides by all applicable permissions - should the user not have sufficient permission to use the link, or simply be in a location where the link is not applicable, the body of the macro is returned un-linked (which is then usually hidden by the menuitem macro).
Optionally set the space to which the link relates.
current page
Optionally set the page to which the link relates, eg. when using the "newpage" destination you can define the parent page with this parameter.
space homepage
When using the "exportMail" destination, this defines the page that will be the parent of the new page containing the exported mail message.
When using the "custom" destination (see examples) this is the URL to link to.
When using the "toggleVisibility" destination (see examples) this is the HTML id of the tag to show/hide.
The tooltip to display when the mouse hovers over the link (max: 77 chars for cross-platform compatibility)
An optional shortcut key for the link which can be any alphanumeric character
current browser window
An optional target window or frame in which to load the link destination.
Optional HTML classes to associated with the hyperlink.
Whether to hide the link from anonymous users:
false - don't hide from anonymous users (default)
true - always hide from anonymous users, even if they have privileges to use the link
The "rel" attribute to assign to the link. Many links get an automatic rel attribute (eg. rel="index" for the index link) and also "nofollow" rels to prevent search engines following links that alter content, etc.
the icon to use as one of SPACEKEY:pagename^filename.ext/custom url/inbuilt icon (use 'noicon' to prevent an icon being displayed)
Defines whether the icon (if present) should be within the link tag or outside it. This is useful when displaying just an icon link on the main menu bar.
false - icon is outside the link tag (default)
true - icon is inside the link tag
When used with the compound-menuitem macro, defines the pixel size (same for width and height) of the icon if shown.
When using the use-layout location, defines the layout ID to use.
When using the use-layout location, determines whether the layout should be used temporarily for the resulting page view or latched for all subsequent page views.
false - don't latch the layout (default)
true - latch the layout so it's used for subsequent page views
The macro is rendered only if one or more of the specified flags are set. See Working with Flags for more details.
The macro is rendered only if none of the specified flags are set. See Working with Flags for more details.
Caption Fields
Some link locations provide fields for captions which get automatically replaced when the links are displayed based on the state of the link location.
For example, the %page% field will be replaced with either "page" or "news" depending on whether you're looking at a page or a blog post.
Shows or hides a HTML tag (and it's contents) based on it's HTML id (see examples).
Default Location
Builder Ver
Feature Of
View > Other Pages > Dashbaord
Site dashboard
View > Mail
If a Space has mail in it's mail archive, this will display the mail archive
View > Other Pages > News
Displays the recent news within a Space
View > Other Pages > Recent Updates
Displays the list of recent updates within a Space
View > Account > History
Displays the history of visited pages, for the current user, in a new window
Links to the search screen (defaulting to searching the current space where applicable).
View > Other Pages > Index
Displays the alphabetical index of content in a Space
View > Other Pages > Attachments
Displays the attachments index within a Space
View > Other Pages > People Directory
Displays the people directory.
Default Location
Builder Ver
Feature Of
View > Other Pages > Home Page
If used within a Space, this takes the user to the space home page. If used anywhere else, the site home page is shown. The site home page is either the user's homepage (if set in their profile), the site homepage (if set in General Configuration) or the Dashboard (default)
Links to the next sibling page.
Theme Builder
Links to the previous sibling page.
Theme Builder
Links to the parent of the current page.
Theme Builder
Links to the first sibling page.
Theme Builder
Links to the last sibling page.
Theme Builder
Links to the first child page.
Theme Builder
Links to the last child page.
Theme Builder
View > Other Pages > Site Map
Displays the tree view of hierarchical pages (with current page selected if applicable) within a Space.
Default Location
Builder Ver
Feature Of
Allows you to specify a custom URL. This is often useful if you want an external web page to launch in a new window because you can combine it with the "target" parameter.
Theme Builder
Displays a "Web UI" link (some plugins use these to add additional navigation, etc). See Examples for more details. The next section (third-party) lists some inbuilt webui aliases for popular plugins.
Links to a wiki page, the page being defined using the page parameter (and optionally the space parameter if the page is in a different space.
Default Location
Builder Ver
Feature Of
Edit > Administration > Configure Theme
Displays the theme configuration page (Builder 2.x) or Layout Chooser (Builder 3.0 and above).
Theme Builder
Edit > Administration > Colour Scheme
Displays the space or global (as applicable to current location) colour scheme editor.
You can create a link to the dashboard as follows:
{compound-menuitem:dashboard|caption=Go to the dashboard}
You can link to a space by using a combination of the home location and the space parameter:
{compound-menuitem:home|space=foo|caption=Go to the home page of the foo space}
That will link to the home page of a Space with a key of "foo".
This is really useful because if someone renames the home page this link will still work!
You can link to a feature in another space as follows:
{compound-menuitem:map|space=wibble|caption=Wibble Site Map}
This would show the site map in the Space with a key of "wibble", regardless of where you are in your site.
To add tooltips and access keys, use the following notation:
{compound-menuitem:newcomment|accesskey=c|tooltip=Add comment|caption=Add a comment...}
this does not appear to be working at the momment
If a compound-menuitem is not applicable (eg. user doesn't have privilages or the link does not relate to the current location within your site, etc) then the body text of the link will be output unlinked.
For example, if a user does not have comment privileges, then they would see the link shown in the previous example as:
Add a comment...
Obviously, that's not very useful so you want to hide inactive menu links. To do this, use the menuitem macro which will hide it's body content if there are no links in it:
{compound-menuitem:newcomment|flat=true|caption=Add a comment...}
If the body of the menuitem macro doesn't contain a link, it will not be shown.
You can open the link destination in a specific frame or window using the target parameter:
{compound-menuitem:map|target=_blank|caption=Open site map in new window}
Which results in:
Unknown macro: {compound-menuitem}
There is a bug in Builder 2.0.1 - please don't use this link destination until further notice as it doesn't work.
You can toggle the visibility of any HTML tag with a unique id using the code below:
{div:id=visdemo}*This is a div tag with id of "visdemo" that you can show or hide using the link below.*{div}
{menulink:toggleVisibility|target=visdemo}Toggle the text above{menulink}
As you can see, the div tag has been given a HTML id - the raw HTML looks like this:
<div id="visdemo"> ... <div>
And the "target" parameter in the menulink macro states what id will be toggled.
The result:
Unknown macro: {div}
This is a div tag with id of "visdemo" that you can show or hide using the link below.
Unknown macro: {menulink}
Toggle the text above
If you want the tag to initially be hidden, use the "display:none" CSS style:
{div:id=visdemo1|style=display:none;}*This is a div tag with id of "visdemo1" that you can show or hide using the link below.*{div}
{menulink:toggleVisibility|target=visdemo1}Show/hide the text above{menulink}
The div tag will now be output with a style attribute like this:
Note that we've changed the id from "visdemo" to "visdemo1" - that's because a HTML id must be unique to the entire web page. If there are two or more occurrences of the same id, the results can be very unpredictable so make sure to use unique id's.
The result (it starts hidden so click the link to see it):
Unknown macro: {div}
This is a div tag with id of "visdemo1" that you can show or hide using the link below.
Unknown macro: {menulink}
Show/hide the text above
To add tooltips and access keys, use the following notation:
Web UI links are a feature of Confluence plugins that allow them to add additional navigation to the default themes.
However, because Theme Builder displays navigation in a significantly different format, we can't display those links by default otherwise we'd end up with duplicate and confusing navigation in the default menus.
Web UI link support was added in Theme Builder 2.0.8 and above.
Before adding Web UI links as shown below, please check the table above the Examples section on this page which lists a number of aliases for popular third party plugins.
To add Web UI links to Theme Builder meuns, use the following syntax:
Note: There are aliases for these links in the table further up the page, the links shown above are just to illustrate how to manually construct those links.
If you don't specify any link text (eg. "Edit Podcast") then the default text supplied by the plugins' Web UI link will be used.
Many third party plugins don't do strict checking of the mode and context to determine whether a Web UI link should be displayed. Because Theme Builder can display Web UI links in any area of Confluence, you might need to use the builder-show macro or builder-hide macro to show/hide Web UI links that start appearing in too many places.
If you need a technical explanation as to why this is the case, or any help with working with Web UI links in third party plugins, please contact our support desk.
When using the menulink inside a menu, it needs to be wrapped in the menuitem macro, eg:
You can create keyboard shortcuts by adding empty menulinks to a panel in builder (eg. title or footnotes panel, etc), for example:
{compound-menuitem:edit|tooltip=Edit this content|accesskey=e|caption=Edit this %page%}
This would add the keyboard shortcut "Alt+E" to all screens that can be edited (eg. blogposts, pages, etc). The shortcut would only be available if the current user has sufficient privileges to edit the page, etc.
Share Menu
To include the Share menu, you can make a Link Alias called, say, sharepage for Share Page - Share then reference that in the macro e.g. {compound-menuitem:sharepage...}
grumble grumble mumble mumble. Okay. Thanks Alain. I figured as much. Although I could use regular wiki markup inside a menulink to get to the anchor, right?
However if your current url contains an anchor then I suspect it will break, the only way to make this happen reliably is going to be the addition of an 'anchor' menulink type.
That's not likely to happen any time soon though since we have our work cut out for us with getting builder 4 production ready.
I would like to know how to insert the triangular arrows that expands and collapes which are used in this page (and in most pages of Adaptavist Web), i.e. : In Examples section in this page "Linking to a wikipage".
Hi! Thanks for this great plugin - it makes building and modifying themes a breeze.
However I am missing two locations/functions for compound-menuitem:
Notation Guide
Move page
The latter function is rather central, but is for some reason blatantly absent from the list of functions! Have I missed something, or can it be replaced by something else?
Well I'll be.... I never thought of just trying them out! However, the 'move' function doesn't display in the menu at all. Here's the code I'm using:
{compound-menuitem:copy|icon=documents_new|caption=Copy this %page%}
{compound-menuitem:move|caption=Move this %page%}
{compound-menuitem:remove|icon=document_delete|caption=Remove this %page%}
For some reason, Copy and Remove are showing just fine. Move isn't.
Hi Alain-
I too was trying to create a menu item for "Update Status". I went to the URL you linked to, but still didn't understand how you would go about creating that link? This is the menu I currently have, and I would want it to appear in the list. I'm very new to Confluence, so a little more detailed help would be perfect!
Sorry I've been busy with paid work, if you need support within any reasonable timescale please consider taking out a support contract.
Create a 'plugin' menulink alias with 'User Status' as the plugin and 'Update user status menu item' as the link.
When time permits (or when someone pays for it) we will be overhauling the menulink alias definition page to allow you to select the menulink by where it appears in the default confluence theme as well as the current plugin based route.
Hi Alain-
Thanks for the response. I tried doing that, but it wasn't working. It was just creating a duplicate emailpage alias instead. I figured out that the Plugin was 4.1.1 rather than the latest 4.1.3. I updated it and everything is working as expected now. Thanks for your help.
I am trying to add a user profile, login/logout to the navigate just in front of the standard icons/links, but I get some unexpected results. My navigator content is
{compound-menuitem:login|icon=user1_into|caption=Log in}
{compound-menuitem:logout|icon=door2|caption=Log out}
{compound-menuitem:edit|flat=true|imginside=true|icon=document_edit|tooltip=Edit this %page%}
{compound-menuitem:remove|flat=true|imginside=true|icon=document_delete|tooltip=Remove this %page%}
{compound-menuitem:copy|flat=true|imginside=true|icon=documents_new|tooltip=Copy this %page%}
{compound-menuitem:pageattachments|flat=true|imginside=true|icon=document_attachment|tooltip=View %page% attachments}
Above is the simplified code I'm struggling with. The idea is that the entire menu is one color, except for the currentMenuItem.
I have been able to get the menubar class to respond properly with my css. This is great, because I get to change the background color of the div associated with the class... My problem is the class in the compound-menuitem. I can't seem to get the class to respond in my css. I am sure I'm not doing it correctly. Here's my css...
I know I've got something wrong. But I was under the impression that if you were to assign the class, it could be called out with the same format as the other classes. I think though compound-menuitems are different because they are sub"things".
Anyway, I haven't been able to find any documentation on how to write the class for a compound-menuitem. Thanks in advance for the help. I can elaborate if needed.
I'm a bit stuck trying to resolve functional & style issue with my menubar and am hoping you can help. Everything worked perfectly on my local instance of Confluence while I was developing it, but now that I've migrated everything to our production server something has broken and I can't seem to resolve it.
I have a menubar with embedded compound-menuitem and menu macros used for submenus. I need the links that make up the menu "tabs" to link to a wikipage (even if it has a submenu) and I need these same tabs to utilize a background image for the default state and a different background-image for the hover and active states.
Here's part of my menubar code. "Home" and "About the Nite" should display as the menu "tabs".
{menu}[nhin:About the Nite]
{menuitem}[nite:Benefits of the Nite]{menuitem}
{menuitem}[nite:Nite Participants]{menuitem}
Here's the applicable CSS code. All of the images have been attached to a wikipage and then referenced via their confluence URL. The "nite_nav1BkgdUp.gif" image displays on all tabs but the I can't get the "nite_nav1BkgdDown.gif" to display on the hover and active states. I changed the "down" image to the "up" image and it displayed the "up" image for the hover & active states accordingly... but when I checked the URL of the "down" image and swapped it back into the hover & active states... nothing! Makes no sense!
And I'm curious... can I build my CSS based on the HTML rendering output? Meaning, when I "View Page Source" in my browser, the styles listed above are nowhere to be found in the rendered output (except for "nav1"), thus making building an accurate stylesheet a bit difficult. Or could you please provide the source code w/in the builder scripts where these styles exist to help us troubleshoot our code?
How can I keep the words "Template Selector" (the name of the page I am linking to) from showing. All I want to see is the icon. I can't figure out why this would become the caption. Is there any way to remove this caption? I haven't defined a caption at all, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Is it possible to use menuitem macro and newpage parameter to add a page based on a specific template? Actually, i'm looking for a parameter to force user to create a page with a specific template...
I think this is a new, unfortunate, behavior with "compound-menuitem:newpage" in the Title area since we recently upgraded to Confluence 3.1.2 and TB 4.0.2.
With {compound-menuitem:newpage|flat=true|icon=document_add|caption=Add Topic}, the new page is now always added below the top level page in space rather than the below the current page as was and should be the default. This is particularly bothersome when people try to add a new topic to a Forum while viewing the top level Forum page, and the new entry then isn't added as a child of that Forum page. Either the user has to use the Location function on the add/edit page, something users don't even realize they now have to do, or as admin, I have to move the page to the forum hierarchy.
I'm trying to create a menu item that links to create a child page of a specific parent. I was going to use the Linking Plugin from CustomWare. That would allow me to create links to all of the specific pages I want. The problem I am having is how do I combine the add-page macro with the compound-menuitem macro? I want it to appear in a dropdown menu with a bunch of other links that I have in there now.
The linking plugin is often not compatible with the builder panels, it makes the assumption that it is being run from within a page & this can cause unexpected results ... the menulink/compound-menuitem links to everywhere that the linking plugin does (and more), you should use that instead.
Something that seems to be asked a lot, and I mean A LOT is how to make the notation guide appear, yet there is no official hand it to the users on a plate description/example code. Can someone please supply one, or link to a page that has it.
Personally I'd like to see it as a configurable toggle in the Options tab of the layout editor. When selected it then should appear when ever someone is in the edit mode, especially in the wiki editor. Without it, inexperienced confluence users will find editing frustrating and may reject the product entirely.
One option we frequently use is to create a duplicate of your standard layout, called for example RSB (Right Side Bar), untick Left Sidebar, tick Right Sidebar.
In your standard layout, in the Header area, use this code to switch to your RSB layout when using Edit Mode
However you are correct, a link to the guide from the content editing tab in the panel editor window would be useful. I will request internally that it gets added to a future release.
Unknown User (meredith.raymond@invitrogen.com)
How do you add a ---- between menu items? I know it must be simple, but I can not find the syntax.
Unknown User (jessica.britton)
Try this:
Unknown User (amoran)
menuseparator macro
Unknown User (meredith.raymond@invitrogen.com)
Much appreciated!
Unknown User (lalbert)
Is it possible to link to an anchor? I can't get it to work.
Unknown User (abbriste)
This is what I tried. It didn't work either.
Is it possible to link to a page anchor?
Unknown User (amoran)
No that's not possible.
Unknown User (abbriste)
grumble grumble mumble mumble. Okay. Thanks Alain. I figured as much. Although I could use regular wiki markup inside a menulink to get to the anchor, right?
Unknown User (amoran)
Sadly no
One thing you might like to try ... is using the %currenturl% menulink replacement:
However if your current url contains an anchor then I suspect it will break, the only way to make this happen reliably is going to be the addition of an 'anchor' menulink type.
That's not likely to happen any time soon though since we have our work cut out for us with getting builder 4 production ready.
Unknown User (abbriste)
Okay. Well, it's worth a try. Thanks Alain.
Unknown User (jblazquez@elecnor.es)
I would like to know how to insert the triangular arrows that expands and collapes which are used in this page (and in most pages of Adaptavist Web), i.e. : In Examples section in this page "Linking to a wikipage".
It must be simple but I dont's find it!
Thank you!
Unknown User (hboer1965)
Hi Jon,
use the {expand} macro. See the documentation at Atlassian, here.
Regards, Herman.
Unknown User (jblazquez@elecnor.es)
Thanks Herman!
I knew It should be easy!
Unknown User (jeff@lightspeedsystems.com)
Jon –
You can also use the Cloak and Toggle Cloak macros documented here on the Adaptavist site.
Here to help,
Unknown User (jblazquez@elecnor.es)
Unknown User (macandron)
Hi! Thanks for this great plugin - it makes building and modifying themes a breeze.
However I am missing two locations/functions for compound-menuitem:
The latter function is rather central, but is for some reason blatantly absent from the list of functions! Have I missed something, or can it be replaced by something else?
Unknown User (amoran)
I think you are looking for 'notationguide' and 'move'
Unknown User (macandron)
Well I'll be.... I never thought of just trying them out!
However, the 'move' function doesn't display in the menu at all. Here's the code I'm using:
For some reason, Copy and Remove are showing just fine. Move isn't.
Unknown User (bowerjo1)
I've tried the move option as well as the menu item does not show up on our Confluence instance either.
We are using Confluence 3.0.1 and Theme Builder 3.3.6-M4-conf210-SNAPSHOT.
The option is not a must have, but it would be nice as we had it with the default theme and some users have noticed it is now missing.
Unknown User (orthonet)
How can I remove the bullet added before the compound menu item.
I have tried
as the class for the li is menuitem but it does not appear to work.
Unknown User (amoran)
see the documentation above
Unknown User (orthonet)
Thanks Alain
That works
I must be blind cause I do not see a flat parameter above. Browser find function did not either
Unknown User (jonnylyse)
Hi, I'we tried searching to find the compund-menuitem for "User Status" update.
In the default theme it's called "Update Status..."
Tips?
Unknown User (amoran)
Use a menulink alias to point to the confluence web item
Unknown User (jonnylyse)
I was informed of the Menulink Aliases once before, it slipped my mind this time..
Thanks for the reply
Unknown User (jbrown@interthinx.com)
Hi Alain-
I too was trying to create a menu item for "Update Status". I went to the URL you linked to, but still didn't understand how you would go about creating that link? This is the menu I currently have, and I would want it to appear in the list. I'm very new to Confluence, so a little more detailed help would be perfect!
Unknown User (jbrown@interthinx.com)
Can anyone please help me with this. I have been searching everywhere. I know it is possible because they have it as a menu option on this site.
Unknown User (amoran)
Sorry I've been busy with paid work, if you need support within any reasonable timescale please consider taking out a support contract.
Create a 'plugin' menulink alias with 'User Status' as the plugin and 'Update user status menu item' as the link.
When time permits (or when someone pays for it) we will be overhauling the menulink alias definition page to allow you to select the menulink by where it appears in the default confluence theme as well as the current plugin based route.
Unknown User (jbrown@interthinx.com)
Hi Alain-
Thanks for the response. I tried doing that, but it wasn't working. It was just creating a duplicate emailpage alias instead. I figured out that the Plugin was 4.1.1 rather than the latest 4.1.3. I updated it and everything is working as expected now. Thanks for your help.
Unknown User (daveneti)
I am trying to add a user profile, login/logout to the navigate just in front of the standard icons/links, but I get some unexpected results. My navigator content is
The page is http://wiki.cimmyt.org/confluence/display/MBP/Home
Unknown User (gfraser)
You probably want to add flat=true to the compound-menuitems you added for login/etc (some of the items further down already have the param).
Unknown User (daveneti)
Yes, that worked. Thanks
Unknown User (abbriste)
Above is the simplified code I'm struggling with. The idea is that the entire menu is one color, except for the currentMenuItem.
I have been able to get the menubar class to respond properly with my css. This is great, because I get to change the background color of the div associated with the class... My problem is the class in the compound-menuitem. I can't seem to get the class to respond in my css. I am sure I'm not doing it correctly. Here's my css...
The reason for using the td is because I found this in the html:
I know I've got something wrong. But I was under the impression that if you were to assign the class, it could be called out with the same format as the other classes. I think though compound-menuitems are different because they are sub"things".
Anyway, I haven't been able to find any documentation on how to write the class for a compound-menuitem. Thanks in advance for the help. I can elaborate if needed.
Thank you
Unknown User (macandron)
Looks to me like you should instead write
in the css file.
Unknown User (abbriste)
Thank you. I'm still learning my way around css, and this is just one of those things. Thanks very much Jonas.
Unknown User (melissa.wood@nitorgroup.com)
I'm a bit stuck trying to resolve functional & style issue with my menubar and am hoping you can help. Everything worked perfectly on my local instance of Confluence while I was developing it, but now that I've migrated everything to our production server something has broken and I can't seem to resolve it.
I have a menubar with embedded compound-menuitem and menu macros used for submenus. I need the links that make up the menu "tabs" to link to a wikipage (even if it has a submenu) and I need these same tabs to utilize a background image for the default state and a different background-image for the hover and active states.
Here's part of my menubar code. "Home" and "About the Nite" should display as the menu "tabs".
Here's the applicable CSS code. All of the images have been attached to a wikipage and then referenced via their confluence URL. The "nite_nav1BkgdUp.gif" image displays on all tabs but the I can't get the "nite_nav1BkgdDown.gif" to display on the hover and active states. I changed the "down" image to the "up" image and it displayed the "up" image for the hover & active states accordingly... but when I checked the URL of the "down" image and swapped it back into the hover & active states... nothing! Makes no sense!
And I'm curious... can I build my CSS based on the HTML rendering output? Meaning, when I "View Page Source" in my browser, the styles listed above are nowhere to be found in the rendered output (except for "nav1"), thus making building an accurate stylesheet a bit difficult. Or could you please provide the source code w/in the builder scripts where these styles exist to help us troubleshoot our code?
Thanks TONS for all the help!
Unknown User (abbriste)
When using the compound menu item with wikipage and page:
How can I keep the words "Template Selector" (the name of the page I am linking to) from showing. All I want to see is the icon. I can't figure out why this would become the caption. Is there any way to remove this caption? I haven't defined a caption at all, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Thank you.
Unknown User (macandron)
Try using the
parameter without a value. Like so:Unknown User (nimsnims)
Is it possible to use menuitem macro and newpage parameter to add a page based on a specific template? Actually, i'm looking for a parameter to force user to create a page with a specific template...
Unknown User (utimpe)
Why is the menuitem 'exportpdf' not visible for anonymous users? How can I configure this?
Unknown User (gfraser)
You need to ensure they have 'Export' permission in Space Permissions.
Unknown User (utimpe)
Thanks, found it.
Unknown User (frank.knobloch@sportics.net)
exportMail and emailpage is not available (anon and authenticated). Do i miss some macros?
Unknown User (tewolff)
I think this is a new, unfortunate, behavior with "compound-menuitem:newpage" in the Title area since we recently upgraded to Confluence 3.1.2 and TB 4.0.2.
With {compound-menuitem:newpage|flat=true|icon=document_add|caption=Add Topic}, the new page is now always added below the top level page in space rather than the below the current page as was and should be the default. This is particularly bothersome when people try to add a new topic to a Forum while viewing the top level Forum page, and the new entry then isn't added as a child of that Forum page. Either the user has to use the Location function on the add/edit page, something users don't even realize they now have to do, or as admin, I have to move the page to the forum hierarchy.
Is there something I can do to fix this?
Unknown User (jbrown@interthinx.com)
I'm trying to create a menu item that links to create a child page of a specific parent. I was going to use the Linking Plugin from CustomWare. That would allow me to create links to all of the specific pages I want. The problem I am having is how do I combine the add-page macro with the compound-menuitem macro? I want it to appear in a dropdown menu with a bunch of other links that I have in there now.
Unknown User (amoran)
The linking plugin is often not compatible with the builder panels, it makes the assumption that it is being run from within a page & this can cause unexpected results ... the menulink/compound-menuitem links to everywhere that the linking plugin does (and more), you should use that instead.
Unknown User (davef)
Something that seems to be asked a lot, and I mean A LOT is how to make the notation guide appear, yet there is no official hand it to the users on a plate description/example code. Can someone please supply one, or link to a page that has it.
Personally I'd like to see it as a configurable toggle in the Options tab of the layout editor. When selected it then should appear when ever someone is in the edit mode, especially in the wiki editor. Without it, inexperienced confluence users will find editing frustrating and may reject the product entirely.
Unknown User (shinde)
The Notation guide does have a URL which will make it appear in full screen mode http://<domain>/renderer/notationhelp.action
In Theme Builder the Notation Guide will show if you use a Right Sidebar.
The builder code is:
To make the Notation Guide appear when editing you can use this:
One option we frequently use is to create a duplicate of your standard layout, called for example RSB (Right Side Bar), untick Left Sidebar, tick Right Sidebar.
In your standard layout, in the Header area, use this code to switch to your RSB layout when using Edit Mode
Unknown User (amoran)
You can add a link to the notation guide using the menulink/compound-menuitem macro (underneath the hood they are the same code), eg:
However you are correct, a link to the guide from the content editing tab in the panel editor window would be useful. I will request internally that it gets added to a future release.
Unknown User (davis.1114)
Is there a compound-menuitem for exporting to excel?
Something like:
Unknown User (amoran)
Create a menulink alias that points to the webui link from the default confluence theme.
Unknown User (jsuever)
Is there a way to create a "save page" link?
Looks like I may be stuck with only the Save button that shows up in the content area of the page when editing.