Team Homepage

Your team homepage is most effective when your team knows they can find what they need there. A good clean design can make all the difference when it comes to finding what you need. 

Once you open the template you can make it your own by adding your content. You can also make changes like adding or removing macros, changing images and color schemes, and so on. Changes you make will not affect the template you started with. 

1 Introductory banner 

Using an image and a title at the top of your page can make it feel a lot more welcoming and individual to your team. 

2 Space search 

Adding a live search macro to your page lets your team quickly find what they need. You can limit the search to just your team space to make sure that only relevant results are shared.

3 Most useful information 

The content in each of these sections is inside Background macros. The macros will wrap to your content to keep it neatly contained for a clean look

This is a good place to put the most used links so they are easy to find. If you want to highlight these links even more you could use the Button macro. 

4 Team introduction

With the Advanced Cards macro, you can make a neat and even grid with information and images. It's the ideal tool for introducing your team and its functions. You can also add links to the cards to resource pages for each of the team functions.

5 Embed external content 

You can embed a link to any external resource that your team uses. For instance, you can add a link to your Jira board so it's easy to find and get a quick overview.

6 Space updates 

The Recent updates macro is ideal for keeping your team up-to-date with the most recent happenings. It will show the pages with the most recent updates in your team's space.

7 Key resources 

A small number of large Advanced Cards can be good for highlighting the links to some of your team's most needed resources.

8 Other resources 

This section at the bottom of the page is great for putting the links that everybody needs, but that are less important for everyday work. Using Button macros inside Button Group macros makes the links stand out while keeping them neat and tidy.

On this page