Company Hub

Your company hub is home to a lot of resources. A good design can help your teams find what they need when they need it, and this template is a great place to start.

Once you open the template you can make it your own by adding your content. You can also make changes like adding or removing macros, changing images and color schemes, and so on. Changes you make will not affect the template you started with. 

1. Announcement banner 

The Interactive Banner is the ideal place to put announcements and news that you want everyone to see. It's at the top of the page so will catch people's attention. You can even add a button to the slide to link readers to more information. 

2-4. Most useful information 

The content in each of these sections is inside Background macros. The macros have all been given the same custom height. As long as they are not overfilled, all three sections will be the same size, for a clean look.

This is a good place to put the most used links so they are easy to find. The links here are made with the Button macro. 

This can be a good place to put macros that show new content eg. Blog Posts macro. This helps your team stay up-to-date with the most recent happenings.

5. Key message 

Using a Background with an image can be a good way to make your key message really stand out.

6. More links 

This is a great space to put another group of links. Using a different color or style for these Buttons can help them stand out, and differentiate them from other groups of links. 

7. Departments 

If your company has a lot of teams of departments that people need to access you can use this grid of Advanced Cards to help people find what they need. These cards can just hold information or they can link the viewer to a page with more information. 

8. Key resource 

A large Background with a button can be a great way to help people find a key department or resource like HR or IT.

9. FAQs 

If there are common questions that you can quickly answer this could be a good place to put them. You can put the answers inside the expands so that they don't clutter the page.

10. Other resources 

These sections at the bottom of the page are great for putting the links that everybody needs, but that are less important for everyday work.

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