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In builder 4 the dashboard customisation has moved from being a globally defined property in theme administration to becoming a layout resource called dashboard.wiki associated with the layout itself.

This allows you to define several different dashboards, one for each layout if required - this is handy when you want to show something simple to anonymous/general users and something more advanced to other users.

You can use the tool on the backup tab to reimport your old dashboard data - this will copy the contents of your builder 3.x dashboard data to dashboard.wiki text resources attached to your root level layouts. Alternatively you can install an older version of builder & copy/paste the content out of the old tab.

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  1. Unknown User (francismartens318)


    When clciking the edit button next to the dashboard.wiki nothing happens

    Looking the logging, I'm seeing

    2011-05-07 08:07:49,062 ERROR [http-] [atlassian.confluence.servlet.ConfluenceServletDispatcher] sendError Could not execute action
    java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1304755668427"
            at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)

    Any workaround

    Confluence v3.4.5
    Theme builder v4.2.1

    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      Download the resource, edit it like a text file, then re-upload it.