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The Options tab lets you tweak various settings such as breadcrumbs, printable layout, JavaScript libraries, etc.

Email Notifications

By default, when you edit pages an email notification will be sent to anyone watching the page. The person can manually check the "Minor Edit" text box to prevent notifications from being sent if desired.

The "Check 'minor edit' checkbox by default" option does just that - when someone edits a page the checkbox will automatically be checked. This is useful for spaces where the majority of edits are small and notifications are not generally desired.


These options allow you to optionally hide any of the first three links on the breadcrumb trail.


How do I create a link to the printable view?
How do I create a link to the printable view?

You can To add a link to the printable view using the within within your menus, you can use the compound-menulink macro within your menus:

Code Block
{compound-menuitem:printableView|icon=printer|caption=HomePrintable PageView}

If you want to add a simple text link you can use the menulink macro:

Code Block
{menulink:printableView}Print Version{menulink}

Page Title

(info) System Administrators can set permissions to restrict who can use this option.

This option allows you to customise the page title that is shown in the web browser title bar which is useful if you are optimising your wiki for search engines like Google, a process known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).


The default page title notation is:

Code Block

{builder-pagetitle} - {builder-spacetitle} {builder-spacetitle:sitetitle=true|global=false|prefix=- }

Favourites Icon

The favourites icon appears next to the URL in the web browser toolbar, bookmarks and some browser plugins. By default the Confluence logo is displayed, however you might want something more custom and that's what this option allows you to do.

There are two formats for setting the icon - a URL (absolute or relative) or a shortcut to a menuicon.

Setting the icon using a URL
Setting the icon using a URL

(warning) The icon should be a 16x16 pixel PNG image.

Simply enter the URL to your icon, for example:

No Format

You can also use relative URLs (ideal for sites that are accessible via HTTP and HTTPS or different domain names):

No Format

There are three common places where images can be stored:

Using the Confluence /images folder

To do this, you'll need access privileges for the server file system. Simply copy your icon to the /images folder on the server and then specify the relative path to the image.

If Confluence is clustered, you'll have to upload the image to each server to ensure users can access it from each node.

The key benefit to this approach is that the icon will always be available - even to logged out users.

The key disadvantage is that you'll have to re-upload the icon after each Confluence upgrade so be sure to include this task in your change control procedures.

Using page attachments

Simply attach the icon to a page in your wiki and then right-click the link to that file and copy the link location. For best results, remove the http://mysite.comImage Added part of the URL to make it relative.

This is probably the easiest way to use a custom icon, even in a clustered environment, however anonymous users (i.e. not logged in) will only be able to see the icon if the page where it's attached (and the associated space and wiki as a whole) is accessible to anonymous users.

Using external web space

If you have some standard web space, eg. an Apache server sat in front of Confluence, you can serve the image from there.

If you're Confluence wiki is served from a different domain (or sub-domain) to the location where the image is stored, you'll need to use an absolute URL (i.e. including the http:\//mysite.com part).

There are two possible disadvantages to using this method:

  1. If the image is served from a different domain, some browsers might block it due to cross-domain security policies.
  2. If your site can be accessed via multiple protocols (e.g. http and https) or domains, the image URL won't automatically reflect the URL being used to access your wiki and this could cause problems.
Using an icon from the in-built library
Using an icon from the in-built library
Wiki Markup

Theme Builder is bundled with over 800 professional icons that can be used with the [menuicon macro]. You'll be glad to know that it's really easy to use any of those icons as your favourites icon.

A key benefit here, over the URL based methods, is that Theme Builder will handle the URL automatically so you don't have to worry about protocols and domains, etc.

To use an in-built icon, simply enter it's name prefixed with the "at" sign, for example:


That would use the "copy" icon as your favourites icon: {menuicon:copy}

Search Engine Optimisation

For more details on the options in this section, please see Search Engine Optimisation.

(info) System Administrators can set permissions to restrict who can use these options. By default, only Confluence site administrators (confluence-administrators group) can change these optionsYou can use any macro, including User Macros or third-party macros, as well as basic wiki notation. Please ensure that there is no HTML or line breaks in the rendered page title as these will cause problems with the browser.

JavaScript Options

These options allow you to remove certain JavaScript libraries from the theme - this is sometimes useful if you are using your own libraries or want to minimise bandwidth consumption.
