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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

This tab is accessed from Theme Administration and is available in Theme Builder 3.3 and above.

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Aliases allow you to create shortcuts to functionality provided either by confluence, third party plugins, or user-defined urls. Once the shortcut is defined you can then use it to link to specific parts of your wiki, either to specific functionality or to a specific area, space or page.


Plugin aliases allow you to define shortcuts which enable you to create links to webui functionality provided by plugins or Confluence.

The first step is to select the plugin functionality that you want to define as a shortcut. In the image example below I am creating a shortcut to Theme Builder Manage LayoutsAdministration. In order to do this, select the Plugin name, "Adaptavist Theme Builder" from the first drop down menu. Then select the specific area of the functionality you want to use for your short cut. In the next dropdown menu select "Manage LayoutsBuilder Administration". Then in the alias text box area, add the alias or name of your shortcut.

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Press the save button and the alias will now be stored in a list. You can now access the alias and edit or delete via this table.


For example, to create a link to Theme Builder's manage layouts Builder Administration as in the example above:

Using the menulink macros:

Code Block
{menulink:managelayoutsbuilderadmin}managelayoutsBuilder Administration{menulink}

Using the compound-menuitem macros:

Code Block
{compound-menuitem:managelayoutsbuilderadmin|icon=application_edit |caption=ManageBuilder LayoutsAdministration}

Wiki Markup(!) *Warning* Standard wiki link notation will not work with these alias links. For example, this will not work: \[Manage my Layouts|managelayouts] (warning) Warning Standard wiki link notation will not work with these alias links. For example, this will not work:
[Manage my Layouts|managelayouts]

URL aliases allow you to define urls that link to other applications you may use. To use this facility, first select the URL radio-button. Then enter the URL to the application that you want to define as a short cut, for example : /myapp/openmyapp.action?user=%username%'. This would log the user into myapp using the name of the currently logged in user. In the appropriately named "alias" text box enter the alias name you would like to use.


Replacement text


Replacement value




The ID of the page/news item




The title of the page/news item




The name of the current logged in user




The full name of the current logged in user




The context path that confluence is running within




The url of the currently viewed page




The key of the current space

As with all menus there are a range of menulink replacements that can be used in the URL.

You may also use the url type alias to point to a confluence page, this allows you to centralise the definition of which page is used for a link that should be common across the whole site. To do this you enter the page name in SPACEKEY:pagename format as the URL.

You can tag a link with a 'rel' attribute to assist you in building semantic html, a common example is the 'nofollow' tag which tells search engines not to follow the link.

Menulink aliases are used by the compound-menuitem macro & menulink macro as link destinations, the name you give the alias will be the destination you use in the macro.


Code Block

{compound-menuitem:myalias|caption=My menulink alias}


