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Page tree

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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The breadcrumb trail is added to a layout by placing the builder-breadcrumbs macro in one of the layout panels using the Panel Editor.

How do I add custom links to the breadcrumb trail?
How do I add custom links to the breadcrumb trail?

If you want to add some custom links to the start of the breadcrumb trail, e.g. your own custom Dashboard link having hidden the default Dashboard link, you can do so using the following syntax:

Code Block

{span:class=breadcrumbs}{menulink:home|space=Dashboard}Dashboard{menulink} > {span}{builder-breadcrumbs}

The span macro is used to apply the breadcrumbs class to the custom Dashboard link (which is added using the menulink macro) to ensure that it looks the same as the other links in the breadcrumb trial.

Page Alignment

This option sets the horizontal alignment of the page panel to either Left, Center or Right aligned.


If no ID is specified, the current layout will be used for the printable view.

How do I create a link to the printable view?
How do I create a link to the printable view?

You can add a link to the printable view using the


compound-menulink macro within your menus:

Code Block

{compound-menuitem:printableView|icon=printer|caption=Home Page}

If you want to add a simple text link you can use the menulink



Code Block

Print Version{menulink}

Page Title

(info) System Administrators can set permissions to restrict who can use this option.

This option allows you to customise the page title that is shown in the web browser title bar which is useful if you are optimising your wiki for search engines like Google, a process known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

What is the default value?
What is the default value?

The default page title notation is:

Code Block

{builder-pagetitle} - {builder-spacetitle} {builder-spacetitle:sitetitle=true|global=false|prefix=- }

You can use any macro, including User Macros or third-party macros, as well as basic wiki notation. Please ensure that there is no HTML or line breaks in the rendered page title as these will cause problems with the browser.


If you are not using anything that requires this library, you can turn it off using this option (not recommended) to reduce page load times.


By popular demand we've added two optional "debug" options to Theme Builder...


This option, when selected, will output a comment in the HTML source of web pages that use the layout:.

Click to display example...
Click to display example...
Code Block

<!-- main.vmd
  themebuilder : 'com.adaptavist.confluence.builder.theme.VelocityHelper@5ab51e'
  layout : 'com.adaptavist.confluence.builder.layouts.model.Layout@1ac00fe'
  spaceKey : 'sw'
  currentURL : '/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=sw&title=Home'
  contextPath : ''
  spaceName : 'Simon'
  printable : 'false'
  mode : 'view'
  context : 'page'
  decorator : '$decorator'

This information is useful if you've encountered a problem with a layout and require online support but there are a few very useful bits of information for theme designers in there as well...


This option allows you to add attributes to the <HTML> tag for all pages viewed with the layout.

Why would I want to do this?
Why would I want to do this?

The primary purpose of this option is to add a VML namespace when using things like the Google Maps API:

Code Block

xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"


Some of the options are missing - why?
Some of the options are missing - why?

Your site administrator might have restricted to some of the more advanced options (marked with (warning) above) using the Global Permissions Tab.

What are the "Use Default..." links?
What are the "Use Default..." links?

Read Layout Hierarchy to find out (smile)

See Also