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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
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h2. Notes
* A more fogiving bubbles converter should allow users to downgrade builder without hitting loads of exceptions.
* Calendar width is now set through a class which can be overrrodden with a style tag in the footer.
* builder.css now includes the css for the recently-updated macro.
* collpased and collapse are now both valid in builder-sidebar, hopefully this should reduce confusion.
* effects.js now loads from the correct place on Confluence 2.8.1.
* Fixed an issue with the defaults object not being initialised, and causing later JS errors.
* Added a version check wrapper for getResources to work around a velocity bug in Confluence 2.7.2.
* Confluence 2.8 velocity files changed to reduce problems with space breadcrumbs.
* Manage spaces no longer overwrites default layout.

h2. Recommendations

h2. Issue Tracker

|| Key: | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/bug.gif|align=absmiddle! Bug Fix | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/newfeature.gif|align=absmiddle! New Feature | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/task.gif|align=absmiddle! Task | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/improvement.gif|align=absmiddle! Improvement |
