[All Adaptavist Apps]

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  • A more fogiving bubbles converter should allow users to downgrade builder without hitting loads of exceptions.
  • Calendar width is now set through a class which can be overrrodden with a style tag in the footer.
  • builder.css now includes the css for the recently-updated macro.
  • collpased and collapse are now both valid in builder-sidebar, hopefully this should reduce confusion.
  • effects.js now loads from the correct place on Confluence 2.8.1.
  • Fixed an issue with the defaults object not being initialised, and causing later JS errors.
  • Added a version check wrapper for getResources to work around a velocity bug in Confluence 2.7.2.
  • Confluence 2.8 velocity files changed to reduce problems with space breadcrumbs.
  • Manage spaces no longer overwrites default layout.


Issue Tracker


Bug Fix

New Feature



key type priority summary updated asignee reporter status

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • No labels