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Information about what is in each release of builder 3.x can be found below
Builder 3.0.x and above require that you install two additional open source plugins (developed by Adaptavist) for correct operation:
These plugins are maintained on an ongoing basis by Adaptavist as they are required for the Theme Builder plugin.
Unknown User (erutanlive)
oh really?
it'd be nice to see what's been changed in 3.0.2 etc
Unknown User (amoran)
Unknown User (gfraser)
I've asked James to add the release notes pages to the website - for now use the URL Alain posted.
Unknown User (simonwheatley)
Note that the IDs used throughout the HTML for Builder changed in (I think) v3.1.1, with one correction issued in (I think) v3.1.4. The changes were necessitated by an Atlassian HTML change which meant there were duplicate IDs present on the page, in HTML IDs should be unique.
Unfortunately the Builder ID changes will break any custom CSS or custom JS which relied on the old IDs, here is the list of find/replaces I had to do throughout my CSS/JS. If you have written no custom CSS/JS, then you will probably not need to worry.
Old ID => New ID
#document => #atb-document
#accessKeys => #atb-accessKeys
#header => #atb-header
#headerdiv => #atb-headerdiv
#menu => #atb-menu
#menudiv => #atb-menudiv
#navigation => #atb-navigation
#navigationdiv => #atb-navigationdiv
#leftSidebar => #atb-leftSidebar
#leftSidebardiv => #atb-leftSidebardiv
#leftSidebar-slider => #atb-leftSidebar-slider
#title => #atb-title
#titlediv => #atb-titlediv
#content => #atb-content
#contentdiv => #atb-contentdiv
#rightSidebar => #atb-rightSidebar
#rightSidebardiv => #atb-rightSidebardiv
#rightSidebar-slider => #atb-rightSidebar-slider
#footnote => #atb-footnote
#footnotediv => #atb-footnotediv
#footer => #atb-footer
#footerdiv => #atb-footerdiv
Unknown User (amoran)
It should be noted that using html entity id's is not reccomended ... internally builder uses the classnames, and we would advise that users do the same.
The html id's are primarily useful for creating right-click context menus in conjunction with the {menubar} macro.
Unknown User (okmi)
do you have any notes for 3.1.3 and 3.1.4?
Unknown User (erutanlive)
jira.adaptavist.com/browse/builder - you can browse to them here.