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(warning) Warning
People can still make child layouts based on your layout and then edit those child layouts. If you want to prevent this, USERGUIDE: restrict who can create child layouts to the same user groups as those that can edit your layout.


How do I ensure that nobody sees my panel content?
How do I ensure that nobody sees my panel content?
Wiki Markup
There are several ways to reliably prevent anyone from viewing your panel content:

* Create a [User Macro|USERGUIDE:User Macros] in the [AtlassianConfluence:Administration Console] - these macros can be made from wiki notation or HTML (both with optional Velocity templating) and can only be viewed and edited by Site Administrators.
* Use a Portal or Widget (requires Community Bubbles plugin) which again requires Site Administration privileges to view and edit
* Use {menulink:home|space=Scriptix}Scriptix{menulink} to generate the content using server-side PHP, JavaScript, Jython or a range of other scripting languages. Make sure your script is defined in the Administration Console rather than using an in-line script.
* Create a Java plugin which contains a macro that fulfils your requirements.


(warning) Warning
For someone to be able to create child layouts in the first place, they must already have access to the Layout Manager in which case they could also edit your layout to remove this permission. To prevent this, USERGUIDE: restrict edit privileges to the same groups that you are allowing to create child layouts.


  • Global Permissions Tab - Site Administrators can set global permissions such as who can use the Layout Manager
  • Layout Locking - This locks the Theme Builder layout for a space, preventing the Space Administrator from using the Layout Chooser