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Clicking either the "Edit Custom CSS", "Edit IE CSS" or "Edit IE Import CSS" buttons will display the CSS editor window:


You can quickly switch between the two CSS resources by clicking the tabs shown at the top of the editor window.

Once you have finished making changes, click the "OK" button. If you want to discard changes, click the "Cancel" button.



Where are the "Use Default..." links for these CSS resources?
Where are the "Use Default..."


links for these CSS resources?

These CSS resources use a different form of inheritance. Please see Style Sheet Inheritance for more details.

Custom CSS

The Custom CSS, if specified, is included on all pages viewed using the layout, for all web browsers.


The following pages contain additional useful information relating to style sheets:

  • Style Sheet Inheritance - style sheet resources accessed from this tab use a different type of inheritance to the rest of the theme
  • Style Sheets 3.x - technical overview of the style sheets used in Theme Builder 3.x
  • Panel Classes and IDs - if you need to specify CSS that affects a specific panel, this lists the classes you can use to make your CSS more specific.
  • Style Sheets Overview - this shows how various CSS resources are included in the layout.
  • 70 CSS tips and tricks - this external guide has loads of useful CSS tips and tricks but be warned that not all of them will work in a dynamic application like Confluence.