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Page tree

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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
Wiki Markup
h2. Notes
* Fixes to the labels and comments code to ensure they work correctly with confluence 2.7 & 2.8
* Ensure that all atlassian resources are included in confluence 2.8 & 2.9
* Allow users to define their own menulink replacements
* Allow builder-show/hide by IP address
* Allow rss feeds to be included in the HTML header section through use of the \{blog-rss-feed} macro
* Avoid linking breadcrumbs that do not have a target (eg blog year)
* Update \{list-spaces} to be more efficient
* Fix notation guide for blog macros
* Allow alias data to be exported and imported with settings backups
* Upgrade to firebug lite 1.2.1
* Fixes for \{webui-list} macro
* Ensure default layouts are used when DEFAULT layout selected.
* Workaround spacekeys not being set on historical content
* Ensure wikimenu strips syle tags
* Consolidate noicon functionality
* Fix toggleVisibility/toggleSidebar menulinks
* Update menuitem notataion guide
* Ensure DWR is included for pagetree2 in 2.7
* Ensure use-layout clears cached data
* Ensure search results pages in confluence 2.9 are correctly themed
* Fix loopback url for watching spaces
* Ensure default layout returned when no layout specified
* Avoid JS & CSS tab popups overwriting each other
h2. Recommendations

h2. Issue Tracker

|| Key: | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/bug.gif|align=absmiddle! Bug Fix | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/newfeature.gif|align=absmiddle! New Feature | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/task.gif|align=absmiddle! Task | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/improvement.gif|align=absmiddle! Improvement |
