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h2. Overview As of builder 3.3.4 the licensing code has been disabled, as such it will run for free on any confluence install from 2.7 onwards. h2. Notes * Disable licensing check * Ensure page height gets set correctly * Avoid chimping on null user agents * Avoid NPE's when generating logout url * Allow builder-show/hide to pickup the owner of the profile page * Ensure dashboard gets reset correctly * Ensure labels are only checked when viewing a page/blogpost * Allow parent-space code to recover gracefully from the use of String properties * Fix BuilderSpaceCondition for 2.10.2 * Avoid including main-action.css for 2.10.x * Place background images onto panel-display not panel-content in manage-layouts * Improve horizontal positioning of quick-search * Prevent filters being set on menu icons in IE6. * Use Text properties rather than String for parent spaces * Ensure builder-show space checks do not bork on global pages. * Allow layouts to be re-created immediatley after deletion. * Allow atlassian starter licenses to run for FREE * Ensure default 'replacements' dont override user/macro defined values * Ensure that watchmenu macro performs %page% replacements * Prevent blog-archive from creating empty ordered lists when posts are switched off * Add 'flags' to builder-show/hide * Add 'flag-XXX' classes to body tag * Add space admin action to set metadata2 parent space in a more sensible way * Allow builder-show/hide to check parent spaces with the space= parameter * Allow builder-show/hide to check action titles as well as page names with the title= parameter * Display the currently latched layout in the debug comment * Add classes to css menu in layout editor * Allow builder-show/hide to check the layout being used * Avoid using mock request objects * Remove usage of atlassian.js as it is no-longer needed and is causing issues with 2.10 * Add random-excerpt macro * Allow layouts to be deleted and immediately re-created in layout-manager * Fix cluster syncing issues * Fix search term entry & filtering in 2.10 * Fix issues with 'pages' macros and labels * Fix permission checking when setting global layout and not member of confluence-administrators * Add builder-search macro * Add comments display fixes to builder.css * Avoid including yui in 2.10 * Allow webui-list to filter out bundled & system plugin links h2. Recommendations h2. Issue Tracker {center} || Key: | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/bug.gif|align=absmiddle! Bug Fix | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/newfeature.gif|align=absmiddle! New Feature | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/task.gif|align=absmiddle! Task | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/improvement.gif|align=absmiddle! Improvement | {center} {jiraissues:http://jira.adaptavist.com/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?view=rss&&pid=10000&fixfor=10826&sorter/field=issuetype&sorter/order=DESC&tempMax=500&reset=true&decorator=none|columns=key,type,priority,summary,updated,asignee,reporter,status} |