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The Layout Chooser allows you to browse, preview and select Theme Builder layouts...

How do I get here?


Image Modified


If you want to choose a layout for a space, you'll need to be a Space Administrator for that space, or a Site Administrator. Go in to Space Admin and choose the Themes link from the navigation bar.

If you want to choose a layout for the site, you'll need to have Site Administrator privileges. Go in to the Administration Console, and select the Themes link from the navigation bar.

Select Theme Builder as the theme for the site/space and then click the "Configure Theme" link.

It's saying I can't change the layout...
It's saying I can't change the layout...

You will need to ask a Site Administrator to select the layout on your behalf or remove the "Layout Lock" from your space using the Manage Spaces Tab in Theme Administration.

Choose which layout to preview
