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h1. Builder 3.0.1 Release Notes

h2. Notes

* Create new child pages with specific titles uding compound-menuitem.

* You can add listeners to the toggle-sidebar event allowing other page elements to respond dynamically to sidebar calopse and expand.

* <script> now filtered on the JS tab. Only inline javascript should be entered into this tab.

* Fixed a bug in which the web application container context was not rendered when using list-* macros.

* Changed access key text to "skip to content" making it applicable to a wider range of layouts.

* Fixed space.vmd and global.vmd output, output should now have the correct context.

h2. Recommendations

h2. Issue Tracker

|| Key: | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/bug.gif|align=absmiddle! Bug Fix | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/newfeature.gif|align=absmiddle! New Feature | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/task.gif|align=absmiddle! Task | !http://jira.adaptavist.com/images/icons/improvement.gif|align=absmiddle! Improvement |
