Radio Buttons

Radio buttons should be used when you want your users to select a single option from a group. Radio Buttons lets you quickly set up a group of buttons for your users to choose from.

Radio button groups are always required, as using the field assumes you want at least one option to be picked. If you're going to allow users not to select an option, you should use Checkboxes instead.

Field types must be added using the Form Builder to function.

Learn how to do this on our Create Your First Form page.

How to add Radio Buttons to an existing form:

  1. Navigate to the page with the relevant form and enter Edit mode.
  2. Click the existing Form, then click Edit. The Form Builder options appear.
  3. Use the Add question button to add the Radio buttons option.
    The checkbox configuration options appear.
  4. Fill in desired configuration details.
    1. Provide a title or question.
    2. Provide a Label for each Option.
      1. (Optional) Add a description to appear under the radio button options.
      2. (Optional) Click the icon to add an option. Use the button to remove one.
      3. (Optional) Use the Selected option to predefine a selected radio button option.
    3. Click Save in the Form builder when finished.
  5. This saves the inputs and returns the screen to Confluence Edit mode.
  6. Publish or Preview the page to see the final result.

Example use case:

Add the Radio Buttons option to gather data for an upcoming company lunch. We'll ask users a simple question and give them a space to respond.

  1. Navigate to the page with the relevant form and enter Edit mode.

  2. Click the existing Form, then click Edit.
    The form configuration appears.
  3. Use the Add question button to add the Radio buttons option.
    The configuration options appear.

  4. Click Add a question.

    Type: Where should we hold the company lunch?

  5. Click Add a description.

    Type: Help us decide where to host the meal!
  6. Click the first radio button option, labeled Option.

    Type: Newton Park
  7. Click the option.

    A new radio button option appears below the first.

  8. Click inside the Text field of the next option.
    Type: Office Commonspace.

  9. Repeat clicking the option once more. Label the new option: Coffee Cafe.
  10. Click the Selected radio button option next to the field labeled Office Commonspace.
  11. Click Save.
    The field appears as a placeholder in the Confluence Edit mode.
  12. Click Publish or Preview to see the result.

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