Saved Filters

Licences that have been inactive since before 4 April 2023 may lose any saved filters and other preferences due to the app's ongoing performance and maintenance improvements. To mitigate this and ensure that saved functions and filters continue to work, you must have reactivated your license by the end of June 2023.

You can access your Enhanced Search JQL queries that have been saved as filters from the top left tab section of the Enhanced Search page, namely Created By You and Shared With You. Any of your saved filters can be shared with other users. However, only the owner of a filter can make edits to it.

If you share a filter with another user, they can only view the JQL. In order to modify the filter, they will need to contact the owner of that filter or create a new filter using the JQL, in which case they will then become the owner.

From here, you can understand and work with saved filters in several ways:

1Created By You/Shared With YouIndicates filters that are private or shared with you. Any of your saved filters can be shared with other users, however, only the owner of a filter can make edits to it.
2Shared/PrivateIndicates that this is, or is not, a shared filter. You can edit either of these types of filter.
3Show details/Hide detailsView or hide the owner of a shared filter and other basic information.
4Delete FilterClick Show details to delete a saved filter. You can only delete a filter that you have created.
5New FilterCreate a new filter search.
6Edit FilterModify an existing saved filter's details, including how it is shared.

Recently, we've made some performance and reliability improvements, which means we do not update the search results for Enhanced Search saved filters that have not been used in Jira for 2 months or more. Specifically, using the saved filter refers to viewing it in a Jira search, a dashboard or an agile board powered by the filter, or other such instances, such as being part of a Confluence macro that uses the filter. Note that viewing the search results for those saved filters does not count as actually using them.