Limits and Quotas

To ensure ScriptRunner Connect's service reliability, the app applies various limits and quotas to guard against accidents or malicious behavior.

General Limits

LimitFree PlanBasic PlanAdvanced PlanPro Plan
AI assistant credits per month100100010001000
Record Storage capacity100 MB1 GB5 GB10 GB
Maximum async (fire and forget) script invocation duration*15 minutes
Maximum sync script invocation duration (only applies for Sync HTTP Events)25 seconds
Maximum event payload size6MB
Maximum chained invocations (programmatically triggered)200
Maximum console logs per invocation1000
Workspaces per account1000
Connectors per account1000
API connections per workspace1000
Event listeners per workspace1000
Event listener test payloads per workspace1000
Scheduled triggers per workspace1000
Environments per workspace1000
Deployments per workspace10000

* To run workloads longer than 15 minutes, you can use a Trigger Script API when you are about to reach the timeout limit. This allows you to trigger the same script to continue where the previous invocation left off.

Rate limits

Rate limits are counted on per second basis.

Accumulator is the entity that is used to accumulated rate limits for. In other words, if the accumulator is a team  then the limits are shared across all workspaces within that team, but if the accumulator is a user, then the limits are accumulated solely on the user level.

AccumulatorFree PlanPaid Plans
Script Invocations** Team1100
External (Fetch) API calls ***Team5100
Record Storage API callsTeam150
Trigger Script API callsTeam110
SR Connect API callsUser510

** Script invocations that go over the limit and are triggered either by asynchronous incoming events, like event listeners or scheduled triggers, are pushed into the retry queue and return a 429 status code indicating that the event will be processed with a slight delay. The retry queue attempts to retrigger queued invocations later when the burst-limit quota allows it. If the retry queue fails to trigger the queued invocation after 100 attempts, the invocation drops from the queue.

Synchronous incoming events (currently only Sync HTTP Endpoints) that need to return the script response quickly (29 seconds) attempt to retrigger the script for up to 20 seconds; after this point, a 429 response is returned. Synchronous events that are rate-limited but successfully retried have less time to run the script as the maximum time to return a response is shortened by retry attempts. You can check the time you have to return a response from the context object that is passed into your function as the second parameter.

Manually triggered scripts won't be queued if the rate limit is exceeded; they will be blocked.

*** External API calls rated limited by ScriptRunner Connect side will return a 429 response, which can also be the same response from the external service if you have breached the rate-limit quota. By default, Managed APIs come with a setting that retries rate-limited (429) requests up to a certain extent. If you are using low-level Fetch API, you must implement retry logic.

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