Migration Reports

If you have yet to complete migrating from ScriptRunner for Jira for Server/DC to Cloud using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant, when you navigate to ScriptRunner → Migration Reports, you are presented with a landing screen that links to our product documentation.

Once you have completed your migration from ScriptRunner for Jira for Server/DC to Cloud using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant, you can view a migration report that provides information about any items that failed to migrate and the reason for failure.

  1. Navigate to ScriptRunner → Migration Reports.
  2. Click on Migration Reports in the left-hand menu of your ScriptRunner for Jira Cloud instance and the Migration Reports screen appears.
  3. Click on the Download Report link to download a CSV-format copy of the migration report.

Failed or Incompatible Migrations

When reviewing the downloaded CSV file data, you may see messages informing you of failed or incompatible migration issues. For example:

Incompatible with cloud, unable to storeIt may be the case that a ScriptRunner Server/Data Centre JQL function does not have feature parity in ScriptRunner Cloud so part of that particular query doesn't work in Cloud. 
Failed to update filter

Here, an attempt was made to change a migrated filter to make it work in Cloud, but Jira has rejected that filter. There are some specific reasons for this:

  • Jira users that were migrated belong to a group that hasn't been granted product access yet
  • a filter name is duplicated 
  • we have a reference to a filter that wasn't actually migrated 
  • another Jira error message that would be included in the migration report
Failed to migrate unsupported in cloud configuration

This message can show in the migration report when a given post function is not supported in Cloud. The list of supported functions in Cloud can be found in our documentation.

ScriptRunner will automatically remove unsupported Scriptrunner workflow rules from your Cloud instance

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