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I'm relatively new to theme builder and I have been impressed by how easy most things can be modified. While experimenting with Theme Builder, I was trying to get the Descendant Notification Plugin to display its web ui elements on both the menu and as an icon on the page like the favorites or watch. I got the the links for both implemented without any issue, but I haven't been able to get the plugin's standard icon on either the menu or on a page. Is this possible?

I'm using Theme Builder 3.2.1


  1. Unknown User (jlignier)

    Did you ever find a solution for this?

    I'm am looking at doing something very similar so I am interested to know how you got the links to work and if you managed to sort out the icons.

    1. Unknown User (dmatsum)

      Yes, prior to 3.3 you had to use the webui functionality of compound-menuitem to access the links of a plugin using its key and there was no way to easily access the icon. In 3.3, the alias feature was added that allowed you to create your own text key (alias) that was mapped to the plugin key via Builder Administration. This alias is used identically to how compound-menuitem accesses all of the other base confluence functionality. However, it didn't tie the icon in correctly in that version. 3.3.1+ will display the plugin's icon by default and it will allow you to override it if so desired.

  2. Unknown User (amoran)

    Since Builder 3.2.1 there have been a number of changes, both to the webui menulink & webu-list macros, as well as the new editable aliases.

    As of 3.3.3:

    • The webui menulink includes the webui icon by default, it also defaults the caption to the i18n cpation for the webui item. You can prevent the icon defaulting by setting icon=noicon, and prevent the caption defaulting through caption= (ie: an empty parameter)
    • The webui-list macro optionally includes the icon, and also uses the i18n name. It can also include sections using separators rather than sub-lists to contain the links. This is useful when replicating confluence layouts such as the CONFLUENCE210 'default layout' included in the jar
    • Menulink aliases allow you to define your own aliases to confluence/plugin webui items, static urls with replacements, and confluence pages. These provide an ability to create shortcuts to confluence features, external applications and common pages without needing to know about messy keys & locations, complicated url syntaxes and avoiding 'which damn space is that page in anyway? I always forget!' moments (wink)

    We have new resources coming online in the new year which hopefully should mean I can spend more time on documenting this stuff! Until then, the notation guide should be your most upto-date reference.