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I know in 3.2 we can pull out the 2.8 user menu, but I'd like to mimic that functionality currently. This is what I currently have:

{menu}{builder-show:user=@anonymous}{compound-menuitem:login|icon=user1_into|caption=Log in}{builder-show}
{compound-menuitem:logout|icon=door2|caption=Log out}
{compound-menuitem:userspace|icon=document_heart|caption=Personal Space}

Shows up as no title. ^^


  1. Unknown User (gfraser)

    You don't need the @ before a group name (confluence-users). The @anonymous is a special pseudo group (as there is no group in Confluence that contains anonymous users because, erm..., they are anonymous) (smile)

    1. Unknown User (erutanlive)

      Yeah, that jives with what I read in the documentation - just been scurrying around a lot recently and didn't notice i kept the @ from copy/pasting in.

      It still doesn't make the item in question (whether it be a compound menu item or a simple li) appear in the topemnu of a menubar. Builder-show and builder-hide don't seem to work for first level menu items (e.g. log in vs profile link in confluence 2.8 ui).

      1. Unknown User (erutanlive)

        This is what I'm using now, a log in link shows up to the left of the personal menu then disappears when logged in. It'd be nice to swap the login with logout once a user is logged in, or just do it confuence 2.8 style with one menu.

        {compound-menuitem:login|icon=user1_into|caption=Log in}
        {menu}Personal Menu
        {compound-menuitem:userspace|icon=document_heart|caption=Personal Space}
        {compound-menuitem:logout|icon=door2|caption=Log out}

        debating whether to open an issue on it or not.

        1. Unknown User (erutanlive)

          bumpity bump.

          1. Unknown User (gfraser)

            Something like this?

            {builder-show:group=confluence-users} show to logged in people {builder-show}
            {builder-hide:group=confluence-users} show to anon users {builder-hide}

            I'm pretty sure there's a user=@anonymous param on the builder-show/hide macros, but Alain's not updated the docu. When he gets back from BOOM I'll get more info.