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Executing the following menu item (which I copied from another recent post wherein it was reported that it worked) results in an error: "Outdated PDF export link. Please use the tools menu to export to PDF":

{compound-menuitem:exportPDF|caption=Export PDF|icon=pdfdoc|class=shrink-width|tooltip=Export to Acrobat (.pdf)...}

Any thoughts?

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  1. Unknown User (almeck)

    I have since determined that this must be a compatibility problem with CustomWare's link-to plugin (and Confluence 3.0), so it's really no relevant to this forum (end of post).

    1. Unknown User (lfm@seafood.no)

      Why is this not relevant? Is'nt 3.3.4 supposed to work with Conf 3.0?

      I'm having the same problems with PDF export (built-in menu in Theme builder).. How can I make it work?

      The following error(s) occurred:

      • Outdated PDF export link. Please use the tools menu to export to PDF
  2. Unknown User (agc)

    I'm still having this problem, too. I cannot get exportPDF to work. I checked in the default theme builder View menu, and the same link appears, with the same error:"Outdated PDF export link. Please use the tools menu to export to PDF"

    Is there another link that I should use now?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      You need to upgrade to 3.3.5, install this backup file then use the following markup:

      {compound-menuitem:addfav|icon=star_yellow_add|tooltip=Add this Page to your Favorites|flat=true|imginside=true}
      {compound-menuitem:removefav|icon=star_yellow_delete|tooltip=Delete this Page from your Favorites|flat=true|imginside=true}
      {compound-menuitem:watchpage|icon=mail_add|tooltip=Watch this page|flat=true|imginside=true}
      {compound-menuitem:unwatchpage|icon=mail_delete|tooltip=Unwatch this page|flat=true|imginside=true}
      {compound-menuitem:exportword|icon=word|tooltip=Export this page to word|flat=true|imginside=true}
      {compound-menuitem:exportpdf|icon=pdfdoc|tooltip=Eport this page to pdf|flat=true|imginside=true}

      NB: the above code will not work in a menu

      1. Unknown User (agc)

        Thanks - I installed the backup file and used your markup in the navigation instead of menus. It all works now - except the export to pdf. I still get the "outdated PDF export link."

        This is not a show-stopper for me, but it would be nice to have.

  3. Unknown User (ucfrcit)

    It is definitely a show-stopper for us. I would like to know when, if ever, this issue will be resolved.

    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      We will be dropping support for pre-confluence 3.0 in builder 3.4.0, which will allow us to adjust the menulink code and include the security token in the default link without needing to rely on the jQuery code that atlassian are using for adding the token (which is what breaks the links in the builder menu)

  4. Unknown User (conflman)

    Hi all,

    I had the same problem, but I have fixed it in another way:

    I have set an alias to the PDF-export. This is maybe a little bit faster than the stuff above..

    Hope that was useful (smile)


    1. Unknown User (ucfrcit)

      Good Day Mr. Leuschner:

      Would you be so kind as to provide a wiki markup example of how you resolved this PDF issue? It would be most helpful. Thank you.

      1. Unknown User (conflman)

        Hi UCF,

        sure. First you have to make a Link-Alias:

        Go to the Adminspace > Builder-Administration > Link Aliases and choose "Confluence PDF Export".
        Then you can pick your function which you want .. for example "UI for Page PDF Export".
        Write an alias in the textbox and connect it with the compound-menuitem.. Like this:

        {compound-menuitem:ExportToPDF|icon=pdfdoc|caption=Exportieren zu Adobe Acrobat (PDF)}
        1. Unknown User (amoran)

          The attached backup file contains menulink alias definitions for all of the known problematic links.

          NB: these links will NOT work within a builder menu due to the way that atlassian are appending the security token, the code for implementing these links within a builder panel is as follows:

          {compound-menuitem:addfav|icon=star_yellow_add|tooltip=Add this Page to your Favorites|flat=true|imginside=true}
          {compound-menuitem:removefav|icon=star_yellow_delete|tooltip=Delete this Page from your Favorites|flat=true|imginside=true}
          {compound-menuitem:watchpage|icon=mail_add|tooltip=Watch this page|flat=true|imginside=true}
          {compound-menuitem:unwatchpage|icon=mail_delete|tooltip=Unwatch this page|flat=true|imginside=true}
          {compound-menuitem:exportword|icon=word|tooltip=Export this page to word|flat=true|imginside=true}
          {compound-menuitem:exportpdf|icon=pdfdoc|tooltip=Eport this page to pdf|flat=true|imginside=true}
          1. Unknown User (ucfrcit)

            THANK YOU Ludwig for providing this easy to understand explanation. We followed your instructions and now have our PDF export up and running almost as if it were never gone. This is why forums are great. Thank you again sir. The only thing we had to do was translate some of your German? into English. But it was our pleasure. Please...have a great day.

            1. Unknown User (conflman)

              Well, my english is not the best (smile)

              Ja, ich komme aus Deutschland (wink)

          2. Unknown User (jbenfield)

            Where does the backup file go?

          3. Unknown User (jonnylyse)

            I have a working button (with the use of Link Aliases) inside a {menubar} and {menu} macro.
            However, it's not inside the {viewmenu} or {editmenu}.

            1. Unknown User (scayla)

              In the "Manage Builder Layouts" window, click on the "Menu" tab, and then on the "Edit..." button located at the bottom under the "Menu Shortcut Macros" section.
              There, you can switch between the 2 tabs "View menu" and "Edit menu" which respectively correspond to the viewmenu and editmenu macros


              1. Unknown User (jonnylyse)

                I should have quoted Alain in my comment, I was merely stating that this was working on my end (smile)
                (English is not my mothertongue (wink) )

                NB: these links will NOT work within a builder menu due to the way that atlassian are appending the security token

  5. Unknown User (daniel h.)


    we use 3.3.6-M2.
    But when I change the following Code into the new one. The point PDFexport in the menu is not visible.

    OLD: {compound-menuitem:exportPDF|icon=pdf|caption=Export to Adobe Acrobat (PDF)}
    NEW: {compound-menuitem:exportpdf|icon=pdfdoc|tooltip=Eport this page to pdf|flat=true|imginside=true}
  6. Unknown User (mkubik)

    Hi all
    I´m still a bit confused about all of this. The only solution would be to upgrade AND install the backup file?
    We have recently upgraded to Atlassian Confluence 3.0 and I´m not sure if that has something to do with the ´outdated PDF export link´ error.
    We are very skeptical about upgrading and re-downloading more as usually this proves to be one solution for something...and the cause of a problem for another.

    In short, is there a simplified solution for this?

    Thanks so much.

    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      Yes ... Builder 4, however it's not 100% finished :s

      1. Unknown User (mkubik)

        Yikes, then what happens if I install Builder 4 and that causes problems where I need to install more backupfiles and re-do plugins and so on? (wink)

  7. Unknown User (bcampbell@marathon-health.com)

    Hello - I have 3.3.5 conf210 builder with 3.0.1 confluence. I restored the backup file and verified the alias was created. However, I still receive the error of Outdated PDF link.

    In the navigation panel I have the following which was copied from Alain's post above:

    {compound-menuitem:exportpdf|icon=pdfdoc|tooltip=Export this page to pdf|flat=true|imginside=true}

    Any ideas?

    1. Unknown User (scayla)

      Try the process explained by Ludwig above ie creating your own alias from within Builder administration (choose "Confluence PDF Export" as the plugin, then "UI for page pdf export" as the function), then calling the alias with

      {compound-menuitem:youralias|icon=pdfdoc|tooltip=Export this page to pdf|flat=true|imginside=true}


      1. Unknown User (bcampbell@marathon-health.com)

        Thanks Steve - I was going to reply that I had already done that in my quest to find the solution. However, rather than create my own Alias as I did before, I followed Ludwig's response to the letter and mission accomplished! I could have sworn I did the exact same steps when I created my own alias but I must of missed something. Thank you for response!