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Page tree

We have switched from TB 2.x to TB 3.x and now I am totally perplexed on how to set the page height of a wiki to 100%. In TB 2.x, there is an option to set the page height to a percentage or a set height, but I cannot find that option in TB 3.x. After upgrading TB, a lot of our old wikis are now broken and look like this.

Is there a way to set the page height to 100% so that the page content doesn't flow off the open of the page? I cant find it! Thanks!

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  1. Unknown User (amoran)

    If you can create an issue on tracker.adaptavist.com & attach some example layout backups then I can give you more accurate answers, but an initial guess from the image you have attached I would say that setting the height and overflow of all panels to 'auto' would be a great start.

  2. Unknown User (ilene.chen@tufts.edu)

    Hi Alain,

    Thanks for the tip. Once I set the height and overflow of the content panel, the problem was solved! Thanks!

  3. Unknown User (sasa)


    I have the opposite problem.
    The content area doesnt use the 100% of the screen.
    I also use the two Sidebars and Sliders. I ve tried every opportunity with height=100% and auto.
