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In theme builder, text marked with the underline tags e.g. underlined text are highlighted in green. See screenshot:

Do you know where/how I can remove this green highlight. It only applies to Themebuilder themes and was not set like this on purpose. There is no specific css in the stylesheets to do this.

Thanks very much,

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  1. Unknown User (amoran)

    The + markup doesn't actually mean 'underline', it's actually a shortcut to the <ins> tag (inserted text) ... hence the green (wink)

    You can set the css for the ins tag in custom css.

  2. Unknown User (sam.kenny@c12capital.com)

    Thanks for this. I am a complete n00b with css. How would I go about this? I tried the below with no success:

        color: blue;


        color: blue;

    or even

        color: blue;
    1. Unknown User (sam.kenny@c12capital.com)

      Okay, I made progress. The first example above works but only if I edit the stylesheet of the Space, not the Global stylesheet.

      However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to remove the green highlight. I can change the color, decoration, etc... but I cannot remove the green. Setting background-color to white has not effect, and nor does setting the outline solid color.

      Am I being dumb?


      1. Unknown User (amoran)

        You are likely to be better off using builder custom css rather than the confluence one - lord knows why the confluence global css doesn't inherit onto spaces, it's related to the theme selection being not the 'default' theme - dont ask, IMO it's a bug, but apparently it's actually a feature - either way the builder custom css 'just works as you expect it to' so use that instead.

        Your problem is likely to be one of specificity ... when using builder a simple quick-fix is to prefix your selector with .atb-body, eg:

        .atb-body ins {background-color:transparent;}

        Sometimes however that's not enough, so when this happens you can resort to the !important css 'hack' (it's bad form to use !important, but sometimes it is the only way) eg:

        .atb-body ins {background-color:transparent !important;}
        1. Unknown User (sam.kenny@c12capital.com)

          I did not need the !important flag, but the above change for the specific Space in question worked perfectly.

          Thanks - you guys are awesome!

        2. Unknown User (punsalann@redrock.net.au)

          Thank you Alain. This solved my problem!