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Page tree

I'm in the process of creating a custom menu, and would like to include a watch (email notification) option. Following the documentation, I included watch-menu macro. The macro documentation says that the eye will "light up" when the page or space is being watched. This feature isn't working for me (using TB 3.3 and confluence 2.7).

Either way, I don't think this is intuitively obvious for a new user. What I'm trying to accomplish is to have a caption appear next to the letter icon when the page is being watched. That is, when a user is watching a page/space, a caption would appear (maybe somethign like "You are currently receiving email notifications" or "You are not currently receiving email notifications)

How can I distinguish between the two different states?


  1. Unknown User (jbukowb)

    I'll try to clarify. I'd like to do exactly what is done here on the Adaptavist site. If the page is currently being watched, the caption says "Unwatch this page." If the page is not currently being watched, the caption says "Watch this page."

    Any help would be great. Thanks.

  2. Unknown User (amoran)

    I assume you have tried using the example code

      {compound-menuitem:watchpage|caption=%Watch% this %page%}
      {compound-menuitem:watchspace|caption=%Watch% entire space}
    1. Unknown User (sfwinter)

      hi Alain,

      I have tried this macro in menus with no luck. Also, I do not see the watch page ability in the default view or edit macros. Any ideas?

      1. Unknown User (amoran)

        Create an issue at https://tracker.adaptavist.com and attach a copy of your layout data to the issue ... right now I'm flying blind and wont be able to help you any further without your layout data.

        I can assure you that the page watch ability is in the default menu at View->This Page->Watch/Unwatch this page, it might be worth you taking a second look.

        1. Unknown User (sfwinter)

          yeah I dont see it under View > This page > ...

          Could it be because we havent integrated the email server yet? Would that dynamically remove the option?

          I do see it in the default view menu in the code, just doesnt appear in the menu drop down:
          compound-menuitem:watch|caption=%Watch% this %page%

          1. Unknown User (amoran)

            That is correct ... there isnt much point in showing the watch page link if the server is incapable of sending emails.

            1. Unknown User (sfwinter)

              I understand that, but we are enabling this momentarily. So are you saying that the menu dynamically knows that we do not have our email sever integrated yet? I was wondering because the default confluence themes do not dynamcially pull the watch page option.


              1. Unknown User (amoran)

                Yes, the link dynamically knows whether you have configured an email server or not, this is the expected behaviour.