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In the wake of the Atlassian Starter programme (which has been a runaway success, exceeding its $25k target in the first day), a number of users have been asking if since $5 is 'basically free' whether they could get a free license for builder/bubbles to go with it.

We at adaptavist love the idea of making a difference in the real world, not just by selling great software but actually making a real contribution to the society we live in.

So as an added bonus for those people using a $5 license we have made some changes to our licensing code making builder run for free on their commercial license. We're hoping this will encourage more small businesses to take advantage of the $5 Confluence licenses, raising yet more money for charity ... let's see if we can make it $50k by the end of the week!

You'll need Theme Builder 3.3.4 (or later) to take advantage of this - we should be releasing a final version of 3.3.4 in the coming days however all releases of builder will run for free for 30 days after the creation of the confluence license anyway (so long as you accept the EULA) ... just remember to upgrade to 3.3.4 once it is released or things will suddenly go pear-shaped on you in a week or two.

Free licenses of our plugins are covered under our community support service level.

You can download Builder 3.3.4-M4 which contains support for the FREE atlassian starter license from here

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