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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

View Menu Structure


The View menu is added to the menu bar automatically in Builder 1.6, between the pre- and post- menus.

Menu Structure

The table below shows the following information about each item on the View menu in Theme Builder 1.6:

  • Menu Item – the caption, in English, of the menu item. A — denotes a menu separator
  • Scope – defines whether the item is available at space level, global level or all levels
  • Contexts – defines the context(s) where the item is applicable, eg. page, blogpost (news item), etc. Some contexts have features which are only available from a specific version of Confluence onwards, for example: blogpost:2.1.5
  • Classes – the CSS class name associated with the item. Classes shown in italics indicate the class name of the sub-menu associated with the item
  • Permissions – a summary of the main permissions required to see the menu item (other permissions may apply, only basic permissions are listed here). Separators are shown if required depending on visibility of items before and after the separator.

If you require more control over the menu, please upgrade to Theme Builder 2 or above.

Wiki Markup
||Menu Item||Scope||Contexts||Classes||Permissions||
|*View*|all|all|menu-view \\ _sub-menu-view_|Always shown|
|!node.gif! {glyph:document} *This Page* {footnote}When viewing a news article (blogpost), the caption changes to "This News".{footnote}|all|all|menu-this-page \\ _sub-menu-this-page_|Always shown|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:document_plain} Normal View|all|all|menu-normal-view|Always shown|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:printer} Printable View|all|all|menu-printable-view|Always shown|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! --- |space|page, \\ blogpost:2.1.5|menu-separator \\ menu-separator-this-page-1|As required|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! !http://www.adaptavist.com/images/icons/attachments/pdf.gif! Export to Adobe Acrobat (PDF)|space|page, \\ blogpost:2.1.5|menu-pdf-view|Export pages|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! !http://www.adaptavist.com/images/icons/attachments/word.gif! Export to Microsoft Word|space|page, \\ blogpost:2.1.5|menu-word-view|Export pages|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! --- |space|page, \\ blogpost:2.1.5|menu-separator \\ menu-separator-this-page-2|As required|
|!vertline.gif! !lastnode.gif! {glyph:about} Page Information|space|page, \\ blogpost:2.1.5|menu-page-information|Logged In|
|!node.gif! {glyph:documents} *Other Pages*|all|all|menu-other-pages \\ _sub-menu-other-pages_|"Can Use" Confluence|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:house} Home Page{footnote}This takes you to either the site home page (if accessed from a global page) or the space homepage (if accessed from within a space).{footnote}|all|all|menu-home-page|"Can Use" Confluence \\or View space|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! --- |all|all|menu-separator \\ menu-separator-other-pages-1|As required|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:news} News|space|all|menu-news|View space|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:document_new} Recent Updates|space|all|menu-recent-updates|View space|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:magic-wand} Feed Builder|all|all|menu-feed-builder|"Can Use" Confluence|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! --- |all|all|menu-separator \\ menu-separator-other-pages-2|As required|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:index} Index|space|all|menu-index|View space|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:document_into} Site Map|space|all|menu-site-map|View space|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:bookmark} Labels {footnote}This takes you to either global labels (if accessed froma global page) or space labels (if accessed from within a space).{footnote}|all|all|menu-labels|"Can Use" Confluence \\ View space|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! --- |space|all|menu-separator \\ menu-separator-other-pages-3|As required|
|!vertline.gif! !lastnode.gif! {glyph:paperclip} Attachments Index|space|all|menu-attachments \\ menu-attachments-index|View space|
|!node.gif! --- |all|all|menu-separator \\ menu-separator-view-1|As required|
|!node.gif! {glyph:user1} *Account*|all|all|menu-account \\ _sub-menu-account_|Always shown|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:id_card} Preferences: _name_ {footnote}The full name of the user is appended to the caption, eg. "Preferences: Joe Bloggs".{footnote}|all|all|menu-my-profile|Logged in|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:user1_into} Log In|all|all|menu-login|Logged out|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! --- |all|all|menu-separator \\ menu-separator-account-1|As required|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:user1_add} Sign Up|all|all|menu-signup|Logged out|
|!vertline.gif! !node.gif! {glyph:clock} History|all|all|menu-history|More than 1 page viewed|
|!vertline.gif! !lastnode.gif! {glyph:door2} Log Out|all|all|menu-logout|Logged in|
|!node.gif! --- |space|all|menu-separator \\ menu-separator-view-2|As required|
|!node.gif! {glyph:mail} Mail|Space|all|menu-mail|View space, and \\ If space has mail archive|
|!node.gif! --- |space|all|menu-separator \\ menu-separator-view-3|As required|
|!node.gif! !http://www.adaptavist.com/download/resources/com.adaptavist.confluence.themes.sitebuilder:sitebuilder/icons/checkbox-0.gif! Children (#) {footnote}The number of attached child pages is shown in brackets. Icons change as applicable: !http://www.adaptavist.com/download/resources/com.adaptavist.confluence.themes.sitebuilder:sitebuilder/icons/checkbox-0.gif! Child pages are not listed and class "menu-hide-children" not present. !http://www.adaptavist.com/download/resources/com.adaptavist.confluence.themes.sitebuilder:sitebuilder/icons/checkbox-1.gif! Child pages are listed at bottom of page and class "menu-show-children" not present.{footnote}|Space|page|menu-children \\ menu-show-children \\ menu-hide-children|View space, and \\ If page has children|
|!lastnode.gif! !http://www.adaptavist.com/download/resources/com.adaptavist.confluence.themes.sitebuilder:sitebuilder/icons/checkbox-0.gif! Comments (#) {footnote}The number of comments is shown in brackets. Icons change as applicable: !http://www.adaptavist.com/download/resources/com.adaptavist.confluence.themes.sitebuilder:sitebuilder/icons/checkbox-0.gif! Comments are not shown and class "menu-hide-comments" not present. !http://www.adaptavist.com/download/resources/com.adaptavist.confluence.themes.sitebuilder:sitebuilder/icons/checkbox-1.gif! Comments are shown at bottom of page and class "menu-show-comments" not present.{footnote}|Space|page, \\ blogpost|menu-comments \\ menu-show-comments \\ menu-hide-comments|View space, and \\ If comments present|
Footnotes Display

Customising the View Menu

Although you can't directly edit items in the View menu, you can use CSS to hide or alter items based on their class names. For more information please see View and Edit Menus.