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MeaningfulMarkup theme config


This theme config is taken from the MeaningfulMarkup wiki and shows how to create familiar view/edit/attachments/info tabs at the top of pages.

See it in action »


This theme config automatically generates a menu bar based on the pages attached to the page called "Home" within your space. If you don't have a home page the menu might contain an error message (easy to fix - just edit the wiki notation in the navigation panel to whatever your space home page is called). Also, if there are too many pages attached to that home page, they won't fit on the menu bar.


You'll need to install the following plugins before you can use this theme config:


Note: The theme uses "portals" in the right sidebar and footnotes panels to display one or more "widgets" - if you're not using Community Bubbles, you'll have to replace the {portal} macros with something else. If you are using Community Bubbles, you'll have to create some portals and update the theme config to reflect the portal id's you've used.

Installation Instructions

  1. Create a new space, and select the Theme Builder theme.
  2. Go in to Theme Configuration (Edit > Administration > Theme Configuration)
  3. Choose File > Upload Settings... (you may have to click this twice to get the upload panel to appear)
  4. Upload MM_ThemeSettings.xml

Serving Suggestions

Use our Community Bubbles plugin to add portals to the right sidebar and footnotes panel in theme config.