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h1. Enabling the Theme

*{excerpt}This short tutorial shows you how to enable the theme for a Space...{excerpt}*

{note}Under construction!The Builder theme is designed for use at Space level, *not* Global level.{note}

h2. Selecting Requirements

In order to enable the Theme theme in a Space, you must have:

* The Builder theme is *not* currently designed for use at "Global" level:


It is designed for use at Space level:

!theme_configuration_link installed (see [Installing Builder])
* Space administration privileges for the [Space] that you wish to apply the theme to

For information on how to reach the theme selection screen, please see [Space Theme].

h2. Selecting the Theme in Confluence 2.2.x

To select the theme in Confluence 2.2, choose it from the list of themes as shown below:


FromOnce theselected, [Spaceyou Theme]can settings,then selectperform the ??Siteinitial Builderconfiguration Theme??by andclicking click on the *??Confirm??* button. This will activate the Builder theme for the space, using default settings.
"Configure" link as shown below:


h2. Selecting the Theme in Confluence 2.1.x

To follow...

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