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h1. View and Edit Menu Structure

{exceprtexcerpt}This page provides comprehensive details regarding the structure of the view and edit menus...{excerpt}

The table below lists all the items that comprise the in-built View and Edit menus along with their class names, privileges and other applicable notes:

* *Menu Item* -- the caption, in English, of the menu item
* *Scope* -- defines whether the item is available at space level, global level or all levels
* *Contexts* -- defines the context(s) where the item is applicable, eg. page, blogpost (news item), etc.
* *Classes* -- the CSS class name associated with the item. Classes shown in italics indicate the class name of the sub-menu associated with the item
* *Permissions* -- a summary of the main permissions required to see the menu item (other permissions may apply, only basic permissions are listed here)
* *Notes* -- any additional information regarding the item
||Menu Item||Scope||Contexts||Classes||Permissions||Notes||
||View|all|all|menu-view|always shown| |
|* !http://www.adaptavist.com/download/resources/com.adaptavist.confluence.themes.sitebuilder:sitebuilder/icons/document.png! This Page/News|all|all|menu-this-page \\ _sub-menu-this-page_|always shown|When viewing news articles (blogposts), the caption changes to "This News".|
|** !http://www.adaptavist.com/download/resources/com.adaptavist.confluence.themes.sitebuilder:sitebuilder/icons/document_plain.png! Normal View|all|all|menu-normal-view|always shown| |

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