Release Notes




Microscope for Jira is now compatible with Jira 10.



Insights Custom Time Frame

We have enhanced our Insights reporting feature with the introduction of custom time frames. Tailoring your analysis to specific time frames enables you to dive deeper into your data to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, and actionable insights relevant to your initiatives.

To filter your data for a custom time frame, select Custom from the date drop-down and enter a start date and end date. 



Bug Fixes for Report Generation when using a MySQL database for Jira

We have fixed a couple of bugs that caused Microscope to fail when trying to create and export a report while running Microscope in a Jira instance that was using MySQL as its database.

Bug Fix for retry failure when 504 Gateway Timeout error reported by server during Report Generation

We have fixed a bug that caused Microscope to fail to retry requesting a report when the server reported a 504 Gateway Timeout error.



Report Generation Improvement

We have improved the reliability of the report generator so that the error message shown below displays in extreme cases only after clicking the Create Report button.



New Custom Field Audit 

In this release, we have introduced a new report that helps you gain insights into how custom fields are used in your Jira instance. Using this report can help you understand your custom fields and identify those that have been created by apps.

Microscope UI Changes

We have made some improvements to the Microscope UI that allow you to create your reports without navigating away from the Insights dashboard! You'll notice that we have removed the menu navigation on the left side panel of your screen. Instead, you now simply need to run your reports from the Create Report button.

As a result of these changes, we have updated our documentation too.



Insights Dashboard Bug Fixed

We have fixed a bug that caused the Total users and Active users count on the Insights dashboard page to be incorrect. Both user counts displayed an incorrect value—we have fixed this and the values are now accurate.

Workflow Audit Bug Fixed

We have fixed a bug that caused an error when you select Run scan on the Workflow Audit page. In version 1.12.0, the error "Could not create a workflow.csv report" displayed when you selected Run scan—we have fixed this and the report is created as expected.



Pre-defined Time Frames

It's now possible to choose from a list of pre-defined time frames when exporting an audit report from the Insights dashboard. The new time frames are useful when you are assessing the impact of a change and are the same time frames as provided on the dashboard page. For example, to filter the results that statistics are performed on, you can select an interval such as 30 days, 60 days, and so on.

Screenshot for Reports

A screenshot of the entire Insights dashboard page is now provided when you export a report, using the Create Report button, from the Insight Dashboard page.

Fixed Typo

We have fixed a typo on the Insights dashboard page where the word 'days' repeated in the Users section.



Bug Fix for 504 Gateway Timeout Notification

A short reverse proxy idle timeout caused a 504 Gateway Timeout notification to displayNow, when generating large reports using the Create Report button on the Insights Dashboard, the report runs to completion without displaying any timeout notifications. 

Note that if you are using the legacy User, Project, and Workflow Audit pages, it is still possible to get the 504 gateway timeout. However, It is recommended that you use Create Report instead.



Zipped Files for Reports

When you want to download the report files for all data types, these are now zipped into one .CSV file for added convenience.



Generate Reports from Insights Dashboard

You can now easily generate reports from within the Insights Dashboard. We've added a new Create Report button that allows you to run a report for all data types without the need to navigate away from the dashboard page.


Pre-defined Time Frames

It's now possible to choose from a list of pre-defined time frames when running the Insights dashboard. For example, depending on the data you wish to review, you can select an interval such as 30 days, 60 days, and so on.

Bug Fixes

Key Summary Status



Insights Dashboard

A bug in the Insights Dashboard that displayed Workflow Functions metrics as 'Total' Workflow Functions is now fixed and no longer includes functions in a 'draft' unpublished state.

Audit Report

Users with trial licences can refer to the supplemental advisories added to the audit reports, and the audit report pages, to understand trial licence restrictions.


In this release, we have made some minor UI improvements and bug fixes to enhance your user experience. 



Jira 9 Release

Microscope is now compatible with the Jira version 9 release.



UI improvements have been made to the Insights dashboard. These include on-screen tooltips and modifications to how metrics are displayed within categories.



New Dashboard

Audit your Jira instance, gain critical insights to help assess your migration needs, and quickly identify cost and time-saving opportunities with the new Insights dashboard.

Microscope already gives you convenient access to detailed information about your Jira instance. The new Insights dashboard allows you to drill down into minute detail and look for inefficiencies or redundancies. It provides instant access to useful information about your Jira instance, not just the raw data. Armed with this knowledge, you can make plans to review your migration strategy or clean up your instance based on accurate information.

What's included on the Insights page?
This new page is your one-stop shop for all information about your instance. It contains analyses on:

  • Users
    View how many of your users are active against the backdrop of all users within the system. Active users are those that have logged in within the last 90 days.

  • Projects
    Identify which of your projects receive regular contributions. A project is considered active by the system if it has one or more issues that have been opened or updated within the last 90 days.

  • Issues
    Streamline your searches by reducing the workload. Here we illustrate how many issues, contained within projects, are actually active.

  • Workflows
    Gain direct access to metrics about how many of your workflows are active. A workflow is active when it is associated with at least one project.

  • Workflow Functions
    View how many workflow functions were created by apps and are associated with active workflows.

  • Custom Fields
    Build an understanding of your custom fields, distinguishing those created by apps.

  • Attachments & Apps
    Get a rundown of the quantity and size of attachments in your instance whilst being able to see apps that are enabled and disabled.

In essence, the new dashboard reduces time spent on manual data processing by providing a report with key configurations within minutes!



Workflow Audit Bug Fix

In this release, we have fixed an error that occured when the workflow and workflow action records were out of sync. This fix prevents that error from occurring and handles the condition appropriately.

Bug Fixes

Key Summary Status



User Audit

You can now use Microscope to run a User Audit to show a detailed overview of all users configured on your Jira instance. See our documentation and use cases for more information.



Bug Fixes

Key Summary Status



Bug Fixes

Key Summary Status



Project Audit

You can now use Microscope to run a Project Audit to show a detailed overview of all projects configured on your instance. See our documentation and use cases for more information.



Jira 7 Support

Microscope now supports Jira version 7.3.0 and above.

Bug Fixes

Key Summary Status



Anonymous Analytics

Anonymous Analytics collects data allowing Adaptavist to gain insight into Microscope usage. A new settings option allows administrators to switch Anonymous Analytics on or off. See our documentation for more information.



Welcome to Microscope!

Accelerate migration and Jira cleanup projects

Save weeks by using Microscope to reveal critical detail about third-party workflow apps used within your Jira instance. Make informed decisions for migration projects, merging instances, or understanding legacy setups.

Identify essential workflow functions and apps

Don’t waste time hunting for insight: follow our simple Guides. Apply suggested filters to unearth the most relevant information for your immediate needs; whether you are migrating, streamlining or simply exploring.

Clean-up and consolidate quickly and confidently

Even if you aren’t working on projects, which affect your whole Jira setup, Microscope allows you to make informed decisions that keep your instance streamlined and healthy, and keep maintenance and licence costs down.

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