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I have some problems with standard menu items which I only experienced on applying the theme builder theme, which are as follows.

1. Standard menu item "manage watchers" produces an error message; " failed to retrieve watchers"

2. Standard menu item "suscribe" results in a message that I have not enough access rights being a confluence admin.

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  1. Unknown User (jsuever)

    I observed both issues as well using Confluence 3.3 and Theme Builder 4.1.1.

    For issue 1, the same thing you observed happens when I make a link from the menu. When I created a link directly on the page (or a theme frame), the same alias yielded the "Page Not Found" page.

    Also when I created a link alias for Manage Users, I had the following issues with this:

    1. The Stored Aliases in the list all took the same name/target as the very first row. When I clicked to edit one down in the list, I saw that the alias was really different
    2. Looking at the available items in the list for "Content Action Menu Sections", there are 5 "Watching" selections which seem to have different functionalities.

    For issue 2, I get "You are not permitted to perform this operation." in a red frame at the top of the page...and I'm a site admin.

  2. Unknown User (amoran)

    Thanks for taking the time to report this problem, it's likely to be caused by the same jQuery issue that's causing problems in manage-spaces.

    We will address this issue in the next release.

  3. Unknown User (dhodge@acteksoft.com)

    I am also seeing an issue with 4.1.1 and Confluence 3.3. This issue currently not being able to manage or edit spaces with themebuilder. Also from the Confluence Admin we get the following error when we try to Manage Spaces "Stop Running this Script?"

    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      This will be addressed in the next release.

      1. Unknown User (dhodge@acteksoft.com)

        4.1.2? or 4.1.3?

  4. Unknown User (dstronge)

    we are experiencing the same issue as Dean even after installing 4.1.2.

    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      Did you clear your cache yet?

      Which browser & OS are you using?

      Also which issue are you referring to? The repeating rows or IE's atrocious JavaScript performance?

      1. Unknown User (dstronge)

        The javascript issue, although the error is happening on all browsers when accessing the 'Manage Spaces' tab. The screenshot Dean attached is what our 'manage spaces' page looks like as well.

        I tried clearing the cache but that did not help. Firefox seems to have a more informative error message than the rest, here is the script that it points to:


        Thank you in advance for your help.

  5. Unknown User (verbeek)

    We experienced an additional error on trying to add a new space, as the confluence 3.3 instance crashed (this only happens with themebuilder, 4.1.3 was used) On the basis of the error log the Atlassian helpdesk concluded that the error produced is due to the theme builder plugin:

    caused by: org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of method 'preRender' in class com.adaptavist.confluence.builder.BuilderVelocityHelper threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException at templates/builder/theme/page.vmdline 50, column 16

    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      That error likely to be is caused by a macro in your layout failing to render when used from a global context - you can check this by forcing builder to use the inbuilt DEFAULT layout by appending ?layout=DEFAULT&latch=true to a URL and then attempting to create a new space.

      1. Unknown User (verbeek)

        After appending '?layout=DEFAULT&latch=true' on creating a new space it did produce the same error message.
        However, I would like to add to my previous post that the new space was created. But I am not able to access/view as it produces the same error as described for the space creation process.

        1. Unknown User (amoran)

          Thanks for checking that out we will look to resolving this in an upcoming release.

          1. Unknown User (verbeek)

            Urgent help needed!!
            Things get nastier at this moment as I changed in the admin option "manage spaces" a lay out for a particular space and I get now the same error as described in my previous posting! As a consequence the users cannot acces that space any more.

            It really does not matter which layout I choose, it crashes with the following message:


            java.lang.RuntimeException: Error rendering template for decorator root
            at com.atlassian.confluence.setup.velocity.ApplyDecoratorDirective.render(ApplyDecoratorDirective.java:211)

            caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error rendering template for decorator page
            at com.atlassian.confluence.setup.velocity.ApplyDecoratorDirective.render(ApplyDecoratorDirective.java:211)

            caused by: org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of method 'preRender' in class com.adaptavist.confluence.builder.BuilderVelocityHelper threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException at templates/builder/theme/page.vmdline 50, column 16
            at org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTMethod.handleInvocationException(ASTMethod.java:337)

            caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at Unknown location

            1. Unknown User (amoran)

              For a guaranteed response you will need a support contract