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Page tree

The default confluence themes offer tabs with things like view, edit, attachments etc. I would like to implement this interface using builder. Can this be done? I can't modify the content of the content panel so I assume all of these things would have to be added into one of the header panels. I could create this aesthetically but don't know how I would get the tabs to activate (ie, when you click edit, the edit tab activates).

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  1. Unknown User (rn)

    I'm really hoping I can do this. Anyone have any suggestions? Is it possible with builder? Would velocity code be required?

    And a note on velocity, I understand how it works and all. But how am I supposed to know which objects or methods to reference? Pour over the entire source code?

    1. Unknown User (dmatsum)

      I used the MeaningfulMarkup sample theme as a starting point. I had to move things around to get it to be more similar to the basic confluence theme. I haven't needed to goto the level of velocity, but it does require familiarity with CSS and some very nested wiki markup.

      1. Unknown User (rn)

        Thank you david, that's exactly what I was hoping for. Do you think you could share your version? It seems that when I am in the edit page, the view button does not work. It just takes me back to the edit page (sad)

        1. Unknown User (dmatsum)

          I should be able to, but I have to confirm this before doing so. Might have to clean up some references within the theme as well.

          I did find the same issue, the issue in the sample is that the view tab connects to the menuitem alias of normalView, which doesn't work. However, pageView does and is what I'm using now. It seems to work with News as well so I'm unsure of the discrepancy and haven't checked their bug system closely to see if this is known problem.

          I found the information I needed on Links - Quick+Reference.

          We are still evaluating the Theme Builder plugin so the example isn't 100% complete yet. Primarily needs customization of menu options and additional CSS adjustments.

          1. Unknown User (rn)

            I'd appreciate it and thanks for the help.

            Maybe this will help you. Here's the menu config im running right now. Everything stripped out of the edit menu (for convenience) and this placed into the view menu.

             {compound-menuitem:userspace|icon=user1_earth|caption=Personal Space|checkexists=true}
             {compound-menuitem:home|space=My|icon=presentation|caption=Personal Dashboard}
              {compound-menuitem:favouritespace|caption=%Add% This Space as a Favorite}
              {compound-menuitem:favourite|caption=%Add% This Page as a Favorite}
               {compound-menuitem:people|icon=users2|caption=People Directory...}
             {compound-menuitem:history|icon=document_time|caption=Recently Viewed Pages...}
              {compound-menuitem:pageattachments|icon=document_attachment|caption=Attachment (%count%)}
              {compound-menuitem:edit|icon=document_edit|caption=Edit this %page%}
              {compound-menuitem:configuretheme|icon=colors|caption=Configure Theme}
              {compound-menuitem:spaceadmin|icon=earth|caption=Space Administration}
              {compound-menuitem:siteadmin|icon=server|caption=Site Administration}nulink}{menuitem}
            1. Unknown User (dmatsum)

              Just wanted to check, I thought you were referring to an issue with selecting the tab called View while in Edit Mode not an item from the standard menu. Am I incorrect in my understanding?

              The provided code appears to be the items from the Menus tab in the layout editor.

              1. Unknown User (rn)

                Yes that's what I was referring to.

                The code I provided was in reply to "Primarily needs customization of menu options and additional CSS adjustments."

                1. Unknown User (dmatsum)

                  Ahh... now I understand.

                  Thanks for the help, the issue is more with coming up with consensus on how the menus should utimately look. Your example is very different from the default, which I suspect the userbase would want something similar. The CSS issues are mostly cosmetic, getting everything to look correct and align well. Just a matter of finding the time to assess and make the changes.

        2. Unknown User (dmatsum)

          Added a backup file of the layout we have been experimenting with. We were using 3.2.1.

          1. Unknown User (rn)

            Think some of the data was lost during backup, or maybe this is just an incorrect layout backup. There aren't any tabs or any custom code at all that I can spot.

            1. Unknown User (dmatsum)

              How did you load it into Theme Builder? The tabs are implemented via CSS and maybe dependent on additional CSS elements from Theme Builder itself.