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I'm having a problem with the look/feel/format of the search results page in Confluence 2.9.x using Theme Builder 3.2.1.

Attached you will find an image of the search results page using the standard Confluence Theme 2.9.1.jpg.

The second image (search.jpg) shows the search results page with the standard Builder Theme applied.

Everything works fine except the format of the search results page using the Builder theme. Notice the arrow which points to the search summary box. Instead of the box being on top of the search results, it is now all the way to the right of the window and about half height.

In older version of Confluence (ie. 2.7) the search results page format and layout looks normal. Is there a work around or fix for this issue? Please advise.

Atlassian believes the problem is with a style sheet within Builder.

If anyone could shed some light on the issue I'm having, that would be great.


  File Modified
JPEG File 2.9.1.jpg Oct 22, 2008 by tinglima
JPEG File search.jpg Oct 22, 2008 by tinglima
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