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Is there a way to add the following menus items:

Browse Menu:
Named User Menu:

"Edit Add Tools" Menu:

Documents Menu:

It appears I can use the standard Theme Builder tags and manually create the Browse, User Name and "Edit Add Tools" menus in combination with CSS.  However, I wanted to make sure there was not an easier method like using Velocity tags.

The Documents Menu is clearly more complicated and may be a plugin?

Any advice or directions would be appreciated...


  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (amoran)

    Here is how to replicate the confluence menus

    Global Menus

     {menu}Browse {menuicon:navigate_close}
     {menu}{menulink:profile}%fullname%{menulink} {menuicon:navigate_close}

    Results in:

    Unknown macro: {menubar}
    Unknown macro: {menu}


    Unknown macro: {menuicon}
    Unknown macro: {wikimenu}
    Unknown macro: {webui-list}
    Unknown macro: {wikimenu}
    Unknown macro: {webui-list}
    Unknown macro: {menu}
    Unknown macro: {menulink}


    Unknown macro: {menuicon}
    Unknown macro: {wikimenu}
    Unknown macro: {webui-list}

    Content Menus


    Results in:

    Unknown macro: {menubar}
    Unknown macro: {compound-menuitem}
    Unknown macro: {menuitem}
    Unknown macro: {menuicon}


    Unknown macro: {wikimenu}
    Unknown macro: {webui-list}
    Unknown macro: {menuitem}
    Unknown macro: {menuicon}


    Unknown macro: {wikimenu}
    Unknown macro: {webui-list}
  2. Unknown User (seaworthy)

    Using Builder 4.01 in Confluence 3.1, I found a couple issues with the following code in the Menu Bar:

     {menu}{menulink:profile}%fullname%{menulink} {menuicon:navigate_close}
    1. Update Status..., which normally triggers a popup window, doesn't work. Instead, it takes you to the user's personal space.
    2. Recently Viewed doesn't appear in a popup.

    I also found issues with the following code in the Navigation Bar:

    1. The pagemenu menubar appears in a table cell within the table cell, with a different (purple) background color, a border and lots of padding. When the same code is paced in the Menu Bar, it blends in seamlessly.
    2. Tools > Page Restrictions no longer works. The restrictions popup window does not appear.
    3. Tools > Edit in Word... opens the page in Word as a read-only document and not as an editable item via WebDAV.
    4. Tools > Stop Watching and Watch both appear, and behave differently than the Confluence default.
    5. Tools > Link to this Page does not open a popup window, but goes to the page info page instead.
    6. Tools > View Wiki Markup does not open in a popup window.
    7. Tools > Move does not open a popup window, but just re-opens the same page.

    Guessing that some JS just isn't being called the right way in the new version.



    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      Upgrade to builder 4.0.2-M2 or later

  3. Unknown User (tsmori)

    I'm attempting to do this as well for the Add/Tools menu. One thing I'm confused about though. Why do all the icons disappear?

    On my space, I've implemented it as above with some minor css tweaks, but I only get a few icons for the individual menu items. In the source, they icons seem to be pulled with img tags, so they're not part of the css, correct?

    Is there a different version of the system.content menues?

    I'm using Confluence 3.0.0_01 with TB 3.3.6-conf210.

    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      Because atlassian are assigning their icons using CSS rather than the icon parameter of the webui link ... I have no idea why they do this.

  4. Unknown User (gdhugga@cfri.ca)

    Hi Guys,

    I've basically had the same issue as mentioned above with a couple of things not opening up in a seperate window from the tools menu, however this isn't too big of a deal for me. As i really like the clean and clear layout of these menus.

    One thing I am hoping to fix is that I am missing the favorities from the tools menu as well as the Star icon on top pages has gone away.

    Any ideas how I can fix this?

    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      Upgrade to builder 4.0.2-M2 or later

  5. Unknown User (aloa)

    Hi Guys,

    Is there a solution with "Update Status - problem"?


    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      Upgrade to builder 4.0.2-M2 or later

      1. Unknown User (aloa)

        i will try (smile)
        thank you for quick reply.


      2. Unknown User (aloa)

        Thanks again Alian it's work.

        Can i ask one question more .. in personal space in right side we have some personal info (profile,pages,network) .. can i access to this information and include it in RSB content?

        Have a nice day,

        1. Unknown User (amoran)

          If I understand you correctly {builder-personal-sidebar}

          1. Unknown User (aloa)

            Great, exactly same (smile)
            Thank you Alain!


  6. Unknown User (gdhugga@cfri.ca)

    Hi Alain,

    I've upgraded the builder to the latest version, however i'm still not seeing a star icon on the top right side of any of the pages, and If i click on tools and click favorites, i get "No page found for id 0Close"

    any ideas?