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I upgraded Confluence to 3.4 and it fixed several important bugs, related to Office Connector.
However, TB 4.1.3 displays this message, instead of the actual main content:


instead of the actual page content. Even if I click on Edit Page, it will still show the same string. If I switch the theme to Documentation for example, everything works as expected. Is there a quick fix or a 4.1.4-M version that would fix this issue?



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  1. Unknown User (kbrophy)

    Hi Floren,

    Can you please confirm if the issue still presents itself when using the DEFAULT theme? This can be tested by viewing the problem page and appending the following to the URL:




    depending on the format of the URL.

    If the problem does not present itself within the DEFAULT layout, this would indicate that a problem exists with the custom layout. This comment provides some useful steps for debugging issues with a layout.


    1. Unknown User (robo)

      I'm also trying (having another issue) to get the Theme Builder working on Confluence 3.4.
      I think (but am not 100% sure) that when using 4.0.2 the body content was shown, but after upgrading towards 4.1.3 only this $ line is shown.

      B.t.w. I tried to use adding '?layoutId=DEFAULT' as well as changing towards the default theme by using the admin backend. In both solutions the body was not rendered

  2. Unknown User (floren.munteanu@ubisoft.com)

    No change, Keith. I can still see the $themebuilder.processContent($req,$body) message, instead of actual text.

    1. Unknown User (kbrophy)

      Thanks for the update Floren - we shall review and update shortly. It appears that some Theme Builder modifications will be required in order for Theme Builder to work correctly with Confluence 3.4.

      1. Unknown User (ksmith@marathon-health.com)

        We are also experiancing this issue.  Is there an ETA on a fix?

        Thanks so much!

  3. Unknown User (floren.munteanu@ubisoft.com)

    Hi Keith,

    Any updates related to the current issue?



  4. Unknown User (rcrorie)

    Hi Floren,

    I have raised this issue internally. Once we have any further information regarding this issue I will keep you updated.

    Many thanks,

    Robin Crorie

    1. Unknown User (floren.munteanu@ubisoft.com)

      Thanks, Robin. Looking forward for a fix, we cannot deploy 3.4 because of this issue.



    2. Unknown User (gehri@emineo.ch)

      Hi Robin

      Today I've upgraded Confluence to 3.4 and I got the same error as mentioned above. The workaround with "layoutId=DEFAULT" doesn't work for me, I can't even signIn anymore.

      Is there allready a fix or another workaround?

      Thank you in advance.


      1. Unknown User (kbrophy)

        Hi Sandro,

        The steps referred to above are more to determine if the problem lies with Theme Builder itself or the custom layout in use, and hence will not work around the problem as such.

        Unfortunately, other project commitments have meant that there has been a longer delay than normal in addressing these issues - we are tentatively planning this work for November.


        1. Unknown User (gehri@emineo.ch)

          Hi Keith

          Thanks for your answer.

  5. Unknown User (francismartens318)

    Same here but then with Confluence 3.4.1

    1. Unknown User (kbrophy)

      Hi Francis,

      We are looking at getting an EAP release out within the next couple of days and then hoping to make a final release (with compatibility for Confluence 3.4.x) next week.

      This is one of the issues that will be addressed in that release.


      1. Unknown User (floren.munteanu@ubisoft.com)

        Awesome news, Keith. Thanks for all the hard work.



        1. Unknown User (sbate)

          The Early Access Release is now available and resolves multiple bugs. See this page for further information and to download the jar.
