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Page tree

Does anybody know why our breadcrumb trail on news pages looks like this?

(with the un-clickable year, on the end?)

I think this was an issue before the Confluence 2.7.1 upgrade too.

In our options, we've got these two checked:

  • Remove Dashboard (1st item) from Breadcrumb Trail (Use Default...)
  • Remove Space (2nd item) from Breadcrumb Trail (Use Default...)

But not this one:

  • Remove Home/Orphan Page (3rd item) from Breadcrumb Trail (Use Default...)
  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (amoran)

    That is a bug.

    1. Unknown User (mattbovett)

      ThemeBuilder bug?

      Has a ticket already been created?


    2. Unknown User (amoran)

      If you can create an issue on https://tracker.adaptavist.com then I will upload an updated version of builder where this problem has been resolved.