
Once you add Workflow Steps for Jira to Slack, download and import our workflow templates to quickly accelerate your Slack-automation game.

Think of each of these templates as a massive head-start rather than a complete, ready-to-use workflow. Once imported, you'll need to review and customize the workflow steps for your specific needs. 

Available Workflow Templates

The following templates are already set up and ready for you to customize and publish:

  • Submit a Request - Prompt and record service-request details to a new Jira issue without leaving Slack. 
  • Respond to a Bug ReportCreate Jira issues by reacting to Slack comments with an emoji of your choice.
  • Create Backlog Items - Allow your team to create issues for a Jira project backlog from Slack, and customize the required Jira-ticket details.
  • Gather FeedbackTurn useful Slack feedback into comments on a Jira issue by reacting to Slack comments with an emoji of your choice.
  • Assign Onboarding Tasks - Automate onboarding tasks, such as HR enrollment tasks or reading/posting assignments, to new members of a Slack channel.
  • Status Report - Schedule status reports from any channel (or any individual) in Slack, and add those updates to specified Jira issues as comments.
Have a workflow that's too good not to share? Email the workflow file to us at slacksupport@adaptavist.com, and we'll consider adding it to this page!
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