Horizontal Menu

How to Add a Menu Panel in ThemeBuilder

This tutorial will show how to add a horizontal menu below the header area in Confluence using ThemeBuilder.


  1. Go to ThemeBuilder.

  2. Click Edit Skins in the Confluence Administration section.

  3. Create a new custom panel called menu.

  4. After all, other code in the Header panel, add the Include Panel macro to import the new menu panel.


    <ac:macro ac:name="panel-import"> <ac:parameter ac:name="panel">menu</ac:parameter> </ac:macro>
  5. Edit the menu panel and add this code to form the base for your menu:

    <nav class="aui-navgroup aui-navgroup-horizontal"> <div class="aui-navgroup-inner"> <div class="aui-navgroup-primary"> <ul class="aui-nav"> <li> <!-- add your menu items --> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </nav>
  6. You can use the Panel Link macro, Panel Sitehome macro, or HTML to add links to internal pages or external sites. Add the links between the HTML <li> tags.


<nav class="aui-navgroup aui-navgroup-horizontal"> <div class="aui-navgroup-inner"> <div class="aui-navgroup-primary"> <ul class="aui-nav"> <li> <ac:macro ac:name="panel-sitehome"> <ac:parameter ac:name="target">dashboard</ac:parameter> <ac:rich-text-body>Dashboard</ac:rich-text-body> </ac:macro> </li> <li> <ac:macro ac:name="panel-link"> <ac:parameter ac:name="link">SPACEKEY:Page Name</ac:parameter> <ac:rich-text-body>Confluence Page Name</ac:rich-text-body> </ac:macro> </li> <li> <a href="http://www.adaptavist.com">adaptavist.com</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </nav>

This should give you a horizontal link menu that displays just below the page header, as shown in the image for step 3.

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