Sign JWT Token with a Private Key

The following example demonstrates how to sign a JWT token with a private key:

Third-party package 📦

This example requires that you import jose-browser-runtime (which is a port of jose) third-party package into your workspace.

import { importPKCS8, SignJWT } from 'jose-browser-runtime'; export default async function (event: any, context: Context): Promise<void> { // Define private key in PEM format, for example sake it's defined in the code, but consider using Record Storage to store the private key more securely const privateKeyPem = `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- PRIVATE_KEY_IN_PEM_FORMAT... -----END PRIVATE KEY-----`; // Define the algorithm for private key, possible values: const alg = 'RS256'; // Import private key from PEM format const privateKey = await importPKCS8(privateKeyPem, alg); // Sign the JWT token const jwt = await new SignJWT({ 'urn:example:claim': true }) .setProtectedHeader({ alg }) .setIssuedAt() .setIssuer('urn:example:issuer') .setAudience('urn:example:audience') .setExpirationTime('2h') .sign(privateKey); // Print out the signed JWT token console.log('Signed JWT token: ', jwt); }

Best practice: Record storage ⭐

This example hardcodes the private key in the code for simplicity. However, for security reasons, this is not recommended practice.

Please consider using record storage to store the content of the certificates and the key instead.