Work with Linked Applications

HAPI provides a simpler method of working with other Atlassian products that have been connected via Application Links (app link). HAPI is optimised for the most common integration solutions, such as making requests over an app link configured with OAuth (with impersonation) authentication.

The steps to making a request over an app link are:

  1. Select the app link. For example ApplicationLinks.primaryJiraLink , or ApplicationLinks.getByName('Dogfood Jira') 
  2. Execute a request using the extension method com.adaptavist.hapi.jira.extensions.ApplicationLinkExtensions#executeRequest

In the following example, make a request to get the current user via the primary Jira app link. The primary Jira app link is the Jira application link that is marked with PRIMARY when you're on the Application links page.

Image displaying primary app link

            import static
            def result = ApplicationLinks.primaryJiraLink.executeRequest(GET, '/rest/auth/1/session') as Map 
            def userName =

The result is coerced to a Map, List, or whatever is appropriate. If you request XML, you will be returned a groovy.util.slurpersupport.GPathResult .

Making requests as a different user

You can make the request as a different user by utilizing Users.runAs, for example :

            import static
            def result = Users.runAs('anuser') { 
                ApplicationLinks.primaryJiraLink.executeRequest(GET, '/rest/auth/1/session') as Map
            assert == 'anuser'

Making a POST request

You can make a POST request as well as GET requests (as we have done previously). To make a POST request set the Content-Type header, typically to application/json, and provide a Map or List to setEntity, this converts to JSON automatically. In the following example we're making a POST request and creating an issue in the connected Jira instance.

See the documentation for creating an issue here.

            import static
            def result = ApplicationLinks.primaryJiraLink.executeRequest(POST, '/rest/api/2/issue') {
                setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                    fields: [
                        project  : [
                            key: 'SR',
                        summary  : 'Help me!',
                        issuetype: [
                            name: 'Task'
            } as Map
            def issueKey = result.key

Creating attachments in Jira

In the following example we're creating an attachment for a specific issue in the connected Jira instance.

            import static
            // note the 'file' string as the second argument is important, and should not be anything other than 'file'
            def filePart = new RequestFilePart(new File('/path/to/screenshot.png'), 'file')
            def issueKey = 'SR-100'
            ApplicationLinks.primaryJiraLink.executeRequest(POST, "/rest/api/2/issue/${issueKey}/attachments") {
                addHeader("X-Atlassian-Token", "no-check")

Working with Confluence

In the following example we're using the Confluence REST API to create a page, and then add an attachment to that page.

To find the key for your confluence space, in confluence go to Space tools > Overview.  

            import static

            def confluenceLink = ApplicationLinks.primaryConfluenceLink
            def pageResponse = confluenceLink.executeRequest(POST, 'rest/api/content') {
                setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                    type : 'page',
                    title: 'new page',
                    space: [
                        key: 'AAA'
                    body : [
                        storage: [
                            value         : "<p>This is <br/> a new page</p>",
                            representation: "storage"
            } as Map
            def pageId =
            def filePart = new RequestFilePart(new File('/path/to/screenshot.png'), 'file')
            confluenceLink.executeRequest(POST, "rest/api/content/${pageId}/child/attachment") {
                addHeader("X-Atlassian-Token", "no-check")

Image showing how you can work with confluence using HAPI

Handling errors

If a request is not successful (that is, a response status code greater than 400 or less than 200), an exception is thrown. The response body will be parsed into a Map or whatever is appropriate. In the following example, not all mandatory fields have been entered for creating an issue.

            import static
            import com.adaptavist.hapi.platform.applinks.exceptions.AppLinkResponseException
            try {
                def result = ApplicationLinks.primaryJiraLink.executeRequest(POST, '/rest/api/2/issue') {
                    setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
                        fields: [
                            // note: project is missing
                            summary  : 'Help me!',
                            issuetype: [
                                name: 'Task'
                } as Map
            } catch (AppLinkResponseException e) {
                assert (e.entity as Map<String, Map>).errors.project == 'project is required'
                assert e.response.statusCode == 500            

You also have access to the Response object through the exception, as shown. 

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