Work with Assets / Insight

Assets (formerly Insight) is a database of objects, and objects are a digital representation of your assets. An asset/object can be anything from hardware to software to people. You can find out more about Assets here. With HAPI you can easily work with asset objects, create attachments and search for assets, all from your ScriptRunner script console.

Key terms

If you are familiar with Assets then you will be familiar with the terms on this page. If you are relatively new to Assets, the following table will help you understand some key terms used.

Object schemaA database of object types and assets. All assets have an object type, and object types are grouped into schemas. Find out more about object schemas here
Object schema keyThe key given to your object schema. This key is typically a set of letters, for example, AAA or IAS.
Object typeA group that contains assets of the same type. For example, you can have a Team Member object type that contains a list of your employees where each team member is an individual asset. Find out more about object types here.

Asset object

A digital representation of your asset. For example a team member. An asset and an object are the same thing.

Asset object key

The key given to your asset. An object key typically consists of the object schema key followed by a number, for example, AAA-1 or IAS-1.
AttributesThese are what define your object types (and subsequently your object assets). If you are creating or updating an object asset using HAPI, and at the same time setting an attribute, you must make sure that the attribute is configured to the object type that the object is grouped to. Find out more about attributes here.
ReferencesReferences can be associated with an object type. References are typically used to link one object to another.

Image showing assets properties

Working with Assets

To set an Assets custom field there must be an Assets custom field available. See here to create an Assets custom field. The purpose of this custom field is to link your Assets with your Jira instance. 

You can set Assets custom fields by using the key of the Asset object, or an ObjectBean. For example, if your custom field is associated with an object schema with key AAA, you might use:

In this example we're setting a multiple Assets custom field, to multiple Asset objects.

issue.update { setCustomFieldValue('My asset custom field') { set('AAA-1', 'AAA-2') } }

Image showing how you assign an issue to an asset object with HAPI

Working with Assets objects

You can easily create and update Assets objects using HAPI.


With HAPI we provide completions for Assets. So when you're when creating or editing an object, you can select from a list of choices. The required attributes also display for each object type, meaning there's less chance of you missing an attribute and subsequently having errors. 

GIF showing Asset completions

Creating a new Assets object

You can create a new Assets object with multiple attributes as follows:

In this example we're creating a new object. You can try this exact example if you create a sample "IT Assets Schema". Make sure the object schema key is IAS

            Assets.create('IAS', 'Host') {
                setAttribute('Name', 'Sales Web Server')
                setAttribute('Hostname', 'salesweb')
                setAttribute('FQDN', '')
                setAttribute('Status', 'In Service')    // status
                setAttribute('RAM', 32_000)             // integer  
                setAttribute('Virtual', true)           // boolean

Retrieving an Assets object by key



Retrieving attribute values

You can retrieve attribute values in a type-safe way by using getters. For example, if the attribute value is a string field (Text, Textarea, or Select) you can use getString.

The following demonstrates examples of the different getters available for retrieving attribute values. Choose the correct one based on the attribute type.

            def asset = Assets.create('IAS', 'Host') {
                setAttribute('Name', 'Web Server')
                setAttribute('RAM', 32_000)
                setAttribute('Virtual', true)
                setAttribute('Status', 'In Service')    
                setAttribute('Operating System', 
                    Assets.create('IAS', 'Operating System') {
                        setAttribute('Name', 'Linux')                    
                setAttribute('Network Interfaces', 
                    Assets.create('IAS', 'Network Interface') {
                        setAttribute('Name', 'net1')                    
                    Assets.create('IAS', 'Network Interface') {
                        setAttribute('Name', 'net2')                    

            assert asset.getString('Name') == 'Web Server'
            assert asset.getInteger('RAM') == 32_000
            assert asset.getBoolean('Virtual') == true
            assert asset.getReferences('Network Interfaces')*.getString('Name') == ['net1', 'net2']
            assert asset.getReference('Operating System').getString('Name') == 'Linux'
            assert asset.getStatus('Status') == 'In Service'
            assert asset.getDate('Created').before(new Date())

For retrieving references, ObjectBeans are returned rather than the IDs of the referenced objects. 

We recommend you use getReference and getReferences to retrieve references, as shown above. However, you can use getAttributeValues which always returns a Collection<? extends ObjectAttributeValueBean> , for example:

You need to use the correct method to retrieve the underlying value. For example you can use textValue, integerValue, etc. for a Default attribute type. The correct method depends on the attribute type.

            assert asset.getAttributeValues('Name')*.textValue == ['Web Server']
            assert asset.getAttributeValues('RAM')*.integerValue == [32_000]

Setting references

You can set references by using an object bean reference. Alternatively, you can use the object key e.g. "AIS-152".

In this example we're creating and setting the operating system.

            def operatingSystem = Assets.create('IAS', 'Operating System') {
                setAttribute('Name', 'Linux')
            Assets.create('IAS', 'Host') {
                setAttribute('Name', 'File Server')
                // pass in the ObjectBean
                setAttribute('Operating System', operatingSystem)

Image showing how you set a reference object using HAPI

Setting attributes that reference Jira properties

You can set attributes which are references to Jira projects, groups, users etc. as follows:

In this example we're setting project, group and user attributes.

            Assets.create('IAS', 'CPU') {
                setAttribute('CPU Type', 'Quantum')
                setAttribute('Project', 'JRA')                  // Jira project 
                setAttribute('Group', 'jira-administrators')    // Jira group
                setAttribute('User', 'anuser')                  // Jira user 

Updating attributes

You can update assets as follows:

In this example we're creating an attribute and setting the name, while at the same time updating the name attribute.

            def asset = Assets.create('IAS', 'Host') {
                setAttribute('Name', 'Web Server')
            asset.update {
                setAttribute('Name', 'Sales Web Server')
                setAttribute('FQDN', '')

You can update attribute values using add(), remove(), clear(), and replace()

Adding values to an attribute

If you have attributes that allow for multiple values, you can add values to attributes using add().

For example, to add to the existing values of the CPUs attribute:

            asset.update {
                setAttribute('CPUs') {

Similarly, you can also use a reference to the object itself:

            def cpuAsset = Assets.getByKey('IAS-999')
            asset.update {
                setAttribute('CPUs') {

Removing values from an attribute

If you have attributes with multiple values, you can remove existing values from attributes using remove().

For example, to remove the existing values of the CPUs attribute:

            asset.update {
                setAttribute('CPUs') {

You can use the same approach for an Jira type attributes, such as user, group, project and so on.

Clearing the value of an attribute

You can clear the value of an attribute as follows:

In this example we're clearing the "FQDN" attribute.

            asset.update {

Image showing how you clear the value of an attribute with HAPI

You can also clear attributes using the methods described under Updating attributes.

Working with attachments

Creating attachments

You can create attachments on Assets objects by specifying a File object. If you wish to set an attachment comment or override the mime type, use the form that accepts a closure. An example is provided in the following script:

            def asset = Assets.create('IAS', 'Host') {
                setAttribute('Name', 'Web Server')
            asset.addAttachment(new File('/tmp/myfile.txt'))
            asset.addAttachment(new File('/tmp/otherfile.txt')) {
                // use whichever you need to override. Sensible defaults are provided
                setComment('Asset report')            

Reading attachments

You can read attachments by using the extension method .

We deliberately do not give you access to the underlying File object (because you should not manipulate it directly), instead there is an extension method to read the file's contents. 

            asset.attachments.find { 
                it.filename == 'report.html' 
            }.withInputStream { is ->
                // do something with the content:

Deleting attachments

You can delete attachments using the following extension method:

            asset.attachments.each { it.delete() }

Working with comments

You can add, retrieve and delete comments as shown below.

            // add a comment
            asset.addComment("my comment")
            // add a comment specifying the security level
            asset.addComment("visible only to admins", CommentBean.ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMINISTRATORS)
            // retrieve comments
            asset.comments.each {
                // do something with comment text or author:
                // it.comment 
            // delete comments
            asset.comments.findAll {
       == 'admin'
            }.each {

Image showing how to add a comment to assets with HAPI

Executing an AQL query

This works similarly to, in that an Iterator is returned, to avoid using too much memory. See the Search for Issues page for details on how to run a JQL query.

You can execute an AQL query as follows:

  "objectType = Host order by Name asc").each {
                // ...            

Image running an IQL search with HAPI

If you only want to get the count of matching objects, use the .count method as follows:

            Assets.count("objectType = Host")

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