Work with Filters

With HAPI we've made it easy for you to work with filters.

Finding filters

With HAPI, you can retrieve all filters with a given name or return a specific filter using a name and owner combination or the filter id. Once you have the filter, you can use it with our issue search methods, as demonstrated below.

Find a filter you own by name

You can find a filter that you own as follows:

        def myFilter = Filters.getMyFilterByName('My Filter')

Find a filter by name and owner

You can find a filter shared with you from another user as follows:

        def user = Users.getByName('johndoe')
        def johnsSharedFilter = Filters.getByName("John's Filter", user)

Find all filters with a given name

You can find a list of filters with the same name and then further filter that list to return only the filters you want. For example, find all the filters shared with all logged-in users:

        // Get all filters with a given name and find only those shared with any logged-in user
        def sharedWithAnyLoggedInUsers = Filters.getByName('A Shared Filter').findAll { filter ->

Find all filters

You can retrieve all the filters accessible to you as follows:

        def allFilters = Filters.getAll()

You can then filter the result to return only the filters you care about. For example, you could get all filters shared with a specific group:

        import com.atlassian.jira.sharing.type.ShareType
        def allFilters = Filters.getAll()
        // Find filters shared with a specific group
        allFilters.findAll { filter ->
            filter.getPermissions().any { permission ->
                permission.getType() == ShareType.Name.GROUP 
                    && permission.getParam1() == Groups.getByName('abc-group').name

Finding a filter by ID

You can find a filter by ID as follows:

To get the filter ID, go to Issues > Manage filters, open the filter you want, and the filter ID is in the URL (for example /jira/browse/SSPA-1?filter=10000)

        def myFeaturesFilter = Filters.getById(10001)

Searching with a filter

You can search for issues using a filter. For example, you have already created a JQL query and saved it as a filter. You now want to run the filter and use the issue.update method to set a comment on all returned issues.

In this example we're returning all issues of a saved filter. 

Where the example says "do something with each issue", you can, for example, update all returned issues using the issue.update method.

            def filter = Filters.getMyFilterByName('My Private Filter')
   { issue ->
                // do something with each issue

Counting issues with a filter

You can count the number of issues returned by a filter. For example:

            def user = Users.getByName('johndoe')
            def filter = Filters.getByName("John's Shared Bugs Filter", user)
            def issueCount = Issues.count(filter)

Checking if an issue matches a filter

You can check if an issue matches your filter. The script returns true if the issue is included in the issues returned by your filter. For example:

            def user = Users.getByName('janedoe')
            def filter = Filters.getByName("Jane's Shared Filter", user)

            def issue = Issues.getByKey('ABC-1')

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