The Backup Tab allows you to backup and restore layouts and also import Theme Builder 2.x configurations.

This tab is accessed from Theme Administration in Theme Builder 3.0 and above.

Backup Layouts

As the title suggests, this allows you to take a backup of your Theme Builder Layouts. The Default option from the dropdown menu provides a back up of all of the layouts. Alternatively select an specific layout to back up from the dropdown menu.

The resultant output is an XML document which is exported to the default download area for your computer.

Restore Layouts

This area allows you to browse for and then upload the back up XML layout that you have previously exported. If you want to upload a layout and remove its settings, make sure that you tick the option "Clean Install". The current settings that this refers to are the options that are in the Theme Builder Manage Layouts area, under the tabs for js, menu, css and so on.

Import 2.0 space configurations

Import 2.0 backup file

Delete layout data

Reset layout data