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I get the message

"You cannot install this plugin version as there is a missing requirement"

when trying to install 3.3.5-conf210 on a fresh Confluence 3.0 standalone installation.

I have disabled the compatability macros and installed the two required plugins, as in the installation documentation.

On an old installation, which was upgraded to 3.0, the installation worked. After upgrading a few plugins (do not remember which unfortunately), and uninstalling theme builder, the same error occurs. It seems that an upgrade of some bundled Confluence plugin has caused this error.

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  1. Unknown User (elostirion)

    Same issue here. I've upgraded an existing 2.10.1 instance to 3.0 and tried to upgrade builder from 3.3.3 to 3.3.5. Still able to install 3.3.3 though.

  2. Unknown User (jlowry)

    As a temporary work-around you can install it using the plugin screen (instead of the plugin repository). You can get the necessary file from Theme Builder downloads.

    1. Unknown User (elostirion)

      Thanks, that worked (smile)

  3. Unknown User (marcelo.barth@gmail.com)

    When I try installing adaptavist-plugin-themeBuilder-3.3.5-conf210.jar via the upload I get a NullPointerException:


    at Unknown location
    Stack Trace:hide


    buildNumber: 1627
    version: 3.0.0_01

    1. Unknown User (amoran)

      Yes I have an issue open with atlassian about that: https://support.atlassian.com/browse/CSP-35918

      It would appear that the plugin repo is having problems applying the requirements, I suspect it is having trouble with the capitalisation in the content formatting plugin key.