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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin


Before you can move content in to a target, you first need to define the target! The target can be any HTML element with an "id" attribute, but we recommend using a <span> or <div> element as shown below:

Code Block
{div:id=target1}You can even have default content in the target - stuff to show should nothing get moved to the target :){div}

Which results in:

You can even have default content in the target - stuff to show should nothing get moved to the target (smile)
Wiki Markup
{div:id=target1}You can even have default content in the target - stuff to show should nothing get moved to the target :){div}

Note: The "id" needs to be unique on the page - never use the same id more than once per page! We recommend using descriptive names for id's such as "target-see-also-links", but for this tutorial we're going to be really lazy and just call them target1, target2, etc.

As you can see, it looks just like normal content, but that "id" means that you can move stuff in to it, which we'll disuss more further down this page. But before that, let's look at a few other things you can do with targets...

You can customise your target, for example:

Code Block
whoo! yellow background

Which gives:

Wiki Markup





You get the general idea. (smile) In many cases, you will also want to hide the target until it has something moved in to it:

Code Block
this will only appear when something is moved here

The "dislay=none" bit hides the target.
